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Wild Picnic @ Ma Shi Chau
(Tai Po Market Railway Station→Minibus no. 20K→Sam Mun Tsai Minibus terminus→Walk to Ma Shi Chau Special Area)
今天用有孔的正方形膠枱布, 學習另一些紮營方法.
This time we used a square tarp (disposable table cloth with eyelets) to make different kinds of tarp shelters.

在海邊學習紮營, 一直玩到日落時分.
夕陽西下, 只剩下我們在馬屎洲.
由於山路上沒有燈, 我們也不能久留, 速速走上墳場回三門仔.
It's getting dark and NO street lightings along the mountain trail.
Time for us to go back to the village via the cemetery.....
Time for us to go back to the village via the cemetery.....
本來打算快步走回三門仔, 但在墳場走錯了方向, 居然去了劏雞井!!!
看見劏雞井石碑, 後面有口并, 它就是 劏雞井 了.
馬屎洲附近是死火山, 劏雞井在昔日是熱泉, 今日當然不再熱了.
While we were rushing back to Sam Mun Tsai Village, we suddenly went for a wrong direction and finally leading us to another part of the cemetery.
Yap, this place is called "Tong Kai Tseng" (Meaning: A well for chicken slaughtering).
There is an old well next to the signage with words "劏雞井" (Tong Kai Tseng), villagers used this well for cleaning while slaughtering chickens.
This well used to be a hot spring so the villagers could use hot water to wash away chicken blood.
Tai Po used to be a volcano in the ancient time and this is why so many special rocks and landforms can be seen in Ma Shi Chau.
Of course the hot spring of Tong Kai Tseng is NOT hot any more and NO volcanic activities here now.
You can just see an old well hiding under trees and tombstones.
A special place full of mysteries & worth for a visit next time, time to leave, it's already dark & no street lamps in the cemetery.