**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom of this article, or the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.
Short walk @ Nga Kai Shan (Yuen Long)
(Yuk Ping House [Long Ping Estate]→Cross Long Ping Road→Go upstairs→Pavilion→Nga Tsin Shan [peak]→Nga Kai Shan [peak]→Go back and down to footpath near a concrete traffic road→Cemetery→Fuk Hi Truck parking area→Fuk Hi Street→Wang Chau Village Municipal Office→Long Ping Road→Back to Long Ping Estate)
由朗屏邨一直上山, 走到山上的農場
元朗的山路多也是佈滿沙石, 上落有時要用手腳
The hills of Yuen Long are usually full of scattered stones and sand, sometimes you need to climb / crawl, hold the branches / grass tight to help you go up or down.

衙前山的風速器, 這裡風勢非常猛.
衙前山的最高點, 其實只有75米高.
A "hanging" garden of Nga Kai Shan (peak).
丫髻山kill 標, 今天時間不足, 只是看了標柱便下山.
山頂上很多人在拍照, 沒作逗留, 下回再來.
The trig point (summit) of Nga Kai Shan.
There were tens of hikers waiting for taking photos @ the trig point this afternoon.
丫髻山下有小路, 可看到有車路在附近, 穿過草叢, 由此折徑往橫洲墳場.
There's a footpath under Nga Kai Shan and the traffic road is very close to us.
橫洲墳場下山, 很快便到了貨車場, 一直前進.
We went down to the traffic road from Wang Chau Cemetery, and now @ the truck parking area.
最後到了福喜街, 右轉向朗屏路方向
Now @ Fuk Hi Street.