**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom of this article, or the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.
Just outside deserted Wesley Village (Tai Hang)
(Swiss Towers bus-stop→Tai Hang Road→Outside Wesley Village→The back of Wesley Village near a playground→Perkins Road→Mount Butler Road→Sir Cecil's Ride→Braemar Hill bus terminus)
http://yehleehwa.net/nni17.php (衛斯理系列)
More about Wesley Village (HK):
Ni Kuang and Wesley Village (衛斯理村):
Ni Kuang is a very famous Science fiction writer who created the Wisely Series.He saw the name of Wesley Village in Chinese as "衛斯理村" when he had a bus ride near Tai Hang in the 1960s, he liked this name very much and he used the Chinese name "衛斯理" as the name of his main character of the Wisely Series.
About Wisely Series 衛斯理系列~

(Swiss Towers bus-stop→Tai Hang Road→Outside Wesley Village→The back of Wesley Village near a playground→Perkins Road→Mount Butler Road→Sir Cecil's Ride→Braemar Hill bus terminus)
http://yehleehwa.net/nni17.php (衛斯理系列)
More about Wesley Village (HK):
Ni Kuang and Wesley Village (衛斯理村):
Ni Kuang is a very famous Science fiction writer who created the Wisely Series.He saw the name of Wesley Village in Chinese as "衛斯理村" when he had a bus ride near Tai Hang in the 1960s, he liked this name very much and he used the Chinese name "衛斯理" as the name of his main character of the Wisely Series.
About Wisely Series 衛斯理系列~
衛斯理村已鎖, 只能在門外
Wesley Village is deserted and locked 2 decades ago, we could just stay outside for a look.
天色瞬間變黑, 暴雨來臨, 快速逃離寶馬山.