**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom of this article, or the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.
穿越時空向東翔 (陰澳打棚埔穿越時光隧道之旅)
Time travelling via the Time Tunnel of Ta Pang Po, Sunny Bay
(欣澳站→海邊長廊→打棚埔→打棚埔小山→欣澳海水抽水站→煤氣公司檢管站→斜路往翔東路→時光隧道→仙女座暢遊 1000年再經時空還元器重回 2020年→原路回欣澳站)
(Sunny Bay MTR Station→Seaside Promenade→Ta Pang Po Valve House for the seaside→Upstairs for Ta Pang Po hillside→Sunny Bay Salt Water Pumping Station→TownGas Offtake and Pigging Station→Narrow traffic road for Cheung Tung Road just outside TownGas→Time Tunnel→Andromeda Galaxy→1000 years of inter-galactic travel→Time Tunnel back to 2020 Sunny Bay→Back to Sunny Bay MTR Station)
欣澳Snoopy 島.
Snoopy Island near Sunny Bay MTR station.
Just walk along the seaside promenade.
有小路再右轉, 入打棚埔
Then turn right and go into Ta Pang Po.
Go upstairs for the hillside of Ta Pang Po.
山上很涼, 風景亦佳.
Enjoying mountain breeze.....
樓梯上不到山頂, 要自行穿林, 回地面了.
You cannot reach the top of Ta Pang Po even you go upstairs further.
In order to reach the highest point, you have to find a mountain trail inside the bushes....
Time to go downstairs.
Looking back to the hill of Ta Pang Po.
Sunny Bay Salt Water Pumping Station.
Tung Chung Line train.
Tung Chung.
Back to Sunny Bay Seaside Promenade.
地龍, 下有水管及隧道
Underground water pipes and tunnel.
Sunny Bay Salt Water Pumping Station.
Stop @ TownGas.
煤氣公司對出, 有車路通往翔東路, 亦是時光隧道所在.
There is a narrow traffic road leading to Cheung Tung Road, just outside TownGas.
Walk down this narrow traffic road and go to the Time Tunnel for a wonderful Time Travel!!!!!
The Time Tunnel is just next to these huge water pipes!!!!
走入時光隧道, 內部漆黑一片, 完全沒有燈, 地下一片濕滑及大量泥濘.
Now we are going for a Time Travel!!!!!
Please note that NO lights are installed inside the Time Tunnel, it is really very dark.
The ground is also very muddy and slippery, don't run or you may fall down.
(You can go to Cheung Tung Road via the Time Tunnel)
沒有照明下, 靠一點點陽光, 慢慢穿越時光隧道, 開始時空旅程!!!!
We didn't have any torches, but luckily the strong sunlight outside gave us some dim light to continue with our walk.
We were moving forward slowly, having our Time Travel to Andromeda Galaxy via this Time Tunnel!!!!!
看見全視之眼, 我們已離開了我們的太陽系.
The All-seeing-eye, now we have left our solar system.
看見這個, 我們已很接近仙女座星團.
When you see this graffiti, we are near Andromeda Galaxy.
安全抵達仙女座, 我們會在此逗留1000年, 之後再用 "逆時光模式" 回去 2020 的欣澳.
Now we were @ Andromeda Galaxy.
We are going to stay here for 1000 years, and then go back to Sunny Bay 2020 via the Time Tunnel by using the "Time-reverse mode".
Cheung Tung Road.
沒有騙你, 這是 "時光隧道"!!!!
Not kidding, the words are written here, we are @ Time Tunnel!!!
回到 2020 的欣澳, 再沿海邊往東涌方向走.
Now back to Sunny Bay 2020, we kept on walking along the seaside promenade, to the way for Tung Chung.
這裡是 "東葉坑" 一帶.
東葉坑, 應該是未建有北大嶼山公路之前, 一條位於古村的大溪流.
Near a place called "Tung Yip Hang"
時間不早, 回望打棚埔, 回頭走回欣澳站回市區晚飯.
Time to go back to the urban area.
Looking back to Ta Pang Po again, we walked back to Sunny Bay MTR station.