**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom of this article, or the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.
騎著甲龍戲雷公 (荃錦坳甲龍古道→石崗雷公田)
Short walk @ Kap Lung (scaled dragon) Ancient Trail
(荃瀏西站 E 出口→九巴 51號→郊野公園站→甲龍古道 / 甲龍林徑 入口→甲龍古道→雷公田村→大欖郊野公園→生態園方向→農場鮮奶→生態園→引水道回荃錦公路→九巴 51號回荃灣)
(Exit E of Tsuen Wan West MTR station [West Rail]→KMB bus no. 51→Country Park bus-stop→Entrance of Kap Lung Ancient Trail / Kap Lung Forest Track→Kap Lung Ancient Trail→Lui Kung Tin Village→Tai Lam Country Park→The direction for ECO Garden→Farm Milk Co.Ltd→ECO Garden→Back to Route TWISK via the catchwater [Back to Lui Kung Tin Village]→KMB bus no. 51 for Tsuen Wan Town Centre)
甲龍古道 , 甲龍林徑是兩個不同的地方, 今天走的是甲龍古道.
We are going to Kap Lung Ancient Trail today.
Please don't mix up with Kap Lung Forest Track, they are 2 different places with opposite directions.
Now we are @ Lui Kung Tin Village (Shek Kong).
Outside Farm Milk Co. Ltd.
Cute lambs.
Stay away from them!!!!!
Near Shek Kong Barracks.
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