**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom of this article, or the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.
遊走軍路 @ 黃泥涌峽軍事遺跡徑探秘記
Adventure @ old military trail -- War Relics of Wong Nai Chung Gap Trail
(灣仔街市 6號巴士→黃泥涌水塘下車→大潭水塘道→陽明山莊對面→黃泥涌峽徑入口→第 4, 5 站接入大潭郊遊徑→渣甸山食水配水庫→續往第 8 站 [大潭水塘道]→涼亭下山→終點中國石化油站→6號巴士回灣仔)
(New World / City Bus no. 6 outside Zenith / Wan Chai Market→Wong Nai Chung Reservoir→Tai Tam Reservoir Road→The opposite side of HK Parkview→Entrance of Wong Nai Chung Gap Trail→Tai Tam Country Trail [Stations 4 & 5]→Jardine's Lookout Fresh Water Service Reservoir→Continue for Station 8 [Tai Tam Reservoir Road]→Downstairs near the pavilion→Exit - Near Sinopec gas station→Bus no. 6 for Wan Chai)
紀念碑, 亦是二戰遺跡徑的終點站, 第 10 站.
A monument for the deceased St. John's Ambulance Brigade during WWII.
Wong Nai Chung Reservoir.
黃泥涌峽徑地圖, 在陽明山莊對面.
The map of Wong Nai Chung Gap Trail, just at the opposite side of HK Parkview.
彈藥庫 Ammunition Magazine.
Anti-aircraft gun platform.
聶高信山 Mount Nicholson.
Ocean Park and Brick Hill.
第 5 站機槍堡
Station 5 - Pillbox.
中環 Central.
渣甸山食水配水庫, 戰時是瞭望台, 所以英文叫 Jardine's Lookout.
Jardine's Lookout Fresh Water Service Reservoir, it was used as a military lookout during WWII.
The way for Tai Tam Reservoir Road.
Near HK Cricket Club.
第 8 站涼亭, 行程接近尾聲.
Station 8, a pavilion. The last part of the military.
Now walking to the bus-stop @ Wong Nai Chung Gap Road.
