Hiking @ Tiu Keng Leng (Rennie's Mill) -- @ Chiu Keng Wan [hill], hillside of Tiu Keng Leng, old castle / fort / lookout [war relics] of Mau Wu Shan [hill]
(調景嶺地鐵站 A / B 出口→維景灣畔→澳景路→照鏡環山 [衛奕信徑入口]→照鏡環山發射站→回澳景路過對面馬路→衛奕信徑入口 [往五桂山]→涼亭旁下樓梯→靈實醫院方向→調景嶺舊址→調景嶺舊防治蟲鼠組員工宿舍→調景嶺舊警署 [普賢佛院]→樓梯上茅湖山→茅湖山古堡→原路下山往寶林南路→靈實醫院→小巴往觀塘)
(Exit A / B of Tiu Keng Leng MTR station→Ocean Shores [private housing estate]→O King Road→Chiu Keng Wan Shan [hill, Entrance of Wilson Trail for Lam Tin side]→Chiu Keng Wan hilltop microwave transmission station→Back to O King Road and go to the opposite side of the road→Entrance of Wilson Trail [For Black Hill]→Pavilion→Downstairs→The way for Haven of Hope Hospital→Former Tiu Keng Leng village area→Abandoned staff quarter of Pest Control team for Sai Kung District→Former Tiu Keng Leng Police Station [Po Lam Road South]→Go upstairs for Mau Wu Shan→Mau Wu Shan Fort / Lookout / Castle [war relics]→Downstairs and back to Po Lam Road South→Haven of Hope Hospital→Minibus for Kwun Tong outside the hospital)
照鏡環山 [衛奕信徑入口]
Going to the top of Chiu Keng Wan from here.
The top of Chiu Keng Wan.
Microwave transmission station of Chiu Keng Wan.
衛奕信徑入口 [往五桂山]
This way for Black Hill / Ng Kwai Shan (Wilson Trail).
Going to Haven of Hope Hospital.
調景嶺舊防治蟲鼠組員工宿舍, 原來是有名的鬼屋.
Abandoned staff quarter of Pest Control team for Sai Kung District, with many urban legends, haunted!!!
調景嶺舊警署 [普賢佛院]
Former Tiu Keng Leng Police Station.
Going upstairs for Mau Wu Shan
(just next to the Former Tiu Keng Leng police station)
War relics (fort / castle / lookout) of Mau Wu Shan.
靈實醫院門外, 有小巴往觀塘 (寶林南路)
You can take a minibus for Kwun Tong outside Haven Of Hope Hospital.
(Po Lam Road South)