Short walk @ Tso Kung Tam Stream after thunderstorm
(荃灣MTR A 出口→愉景新城→荃景圍體育館→照潭徑→曹公潭)
(Exit A of Tsuen Wan MTR station→Discovery Park [Shopping Mall]→Tsuen King Circuit Sports Centre→Chiu Tam Path→Tso Kung Tam Stream)
今早一直狂風暴雨, 直至午後2時才天色較為明朗. 在荃灣午飯後, 經愉景新城到達荃景圍體育館, 再到地面上的巴士總站, 然後接入照潭徑. 沿照潭徑前走, 便是著名的曹公潭!!! 曹公潭曾有多次淹死人的意外, 以鬧鬼聞名. 不過, 信不信由你.
A few thunderstorms this morning until 14:00..... After lunch @ Tsuen Wan, we walked via Discovery Park shopping mall for Tsuen King Circuit Sports Centre. From there we walked downstairs for the bus terminus and then started our walk from Chiu Tam Path. Walking along Chiu Tam Path and you will see Tso Kung Tam Stream, which is well-known (notorious?!) for some fatal accidents in the past and this place is claimed to be "haunted". Believe it or not?!?!?!
這裡便是漕公潭, 景色相當不錯.
Here is Tso Kung Tam Stream, nice scenes!!
繼續沿照潭徑前進, 中途有警告牌!
Keep on walking along Chiu Tam Path and there is a warning sign on the road.
暴雨過後, 曹公潭的水位甚高而且水流亦很急, 不小心可會致命!!!
After the thunderstorm, the water surface became high and the current was rapid. Not a good idea to go down for fun....
The other side of Chiu Tam Path.
照潭徑的對岸~~ 曹公潭村!!
The other side of Chiu Tam Path~~ that is Tso Kung Tam Village!!!