Short walk @ Ma Wan Island(葵芳地鐵站→葵青劇院→珀麗灣巴士站→馬灣島→北灣→東灣海灘→大排咀→麒麟石→馬灣舊村→回市區晚飯)
(Kwai Fong MTR station→Kwai Tsing Theatre→Bus terminus for Park Island→Ma Wan Island [Park Island]→Pak Wan [North Bay]→Tung Wan Beach→Tai Pai Tsui seaside→Ma Wan Old Village [Ma Wan Main Street]→Back to the urban area)
今天到了馬灣後, 我們先去了北灣的天后廟及海邊一遊!
After we had arrived Ma Wan, we walked to the seaside of Pak Wan (North Bay) to have a look, especially for the Tin Hau Temple.
然後是東灣海灘~ 青衣橋真美!!
Then we were @ Tung Wan Beach~ see the beautiful scenes around Tsing Yi Bridge!!
We were moving uphill via the foot of Kap Shui Mun Bridge.
到了大排咀的海邊, 可看見對岸大嶼山東北部的海岸線, 大排咀碼頭對面則是燈籠洲.
Now we were @ the seaside of Tai Pai Tsui, in which we could see the seacoast of North-east Lantau very clearly. Tang Lung Chau (Lantern Island) is just at the opposite side of Tai Pai Tsui ferry pier.
到了另一景點 "麒麟石", 這裡可看到汲水門橋及舊馬灣漁村.
Another scenic spot~ Qilin Stone (Qilin is a Chinese mythical animal), which is under Kap Shui Mun Bridge. Ma Wan Old village is also near this place.
Ma Wan Main Street is just at the back~ see the old fishermen's village!!
馬灣大街的舊漁村內一行~~ 無論在那裡都可見到汲水門橋!!! 海邊有棚屋及曬魚的木棚.
We had a walk @ the old village~ you can see Kap Shui Mun Bridge everywhere!!! There are stilt houses and wooden rack (for drying fish and shrimps) @ the seaside.
Pier and Tin Hau Temple @ Kap Shui Mun.
三大景點:~ 九龍關石碑, 馬灣鄉事委員會及汲水門牌樓.
3 famous spots~ Kowloon Customs Commemorative Tablets, Ma Wan Rural Committee building and Kap Shui Mun Doorway.
Evening scenes of Kap Shui Mun.
Fisherman put two dogs on the raft.
深秋的關係, 很快天色已暗.
The sky turned dark quickly as it is already winter.
Tsing Yi Bridge is very beautiful when the lights are on, especially during winter time.