Village visit @ Kuk Po and Fung Hang, Sha Tau Kok, NT
(Fanling Railway station→Minibus no. 56K→Get off @ Luk Keng mini-bus terminus)
今早到了粉嶺火車站後, 意外地發現往鹿頸的56K 小巴乘客不多!! 可能是中秋節的關係, 行山的人很稀少. 由鹿頸村出發, 步向對面的雞谷樹下, 再前往鳳坑及谷埔.
We arrived Fanling Railway station early this morning, but quite surprised to see NO people were queuing up for the minibus no. 56K which stops at Luk Keng!! Most probably today was Mid-autumn Festival, so, everybody was busy with family gatherings and had no time for hiking!! Started from Luk Keng Village, we walked to the opposite side for "Kai Kuk Shue Ha", and then walking to Fung Hang and Kuk Po.
Beautiful wetland along "Starling Inlet" (seacoast of Sha Tau Kok).
經過燒烤場上山, 然後再下山去鳳坑村.
There is a BBQ site near the wetland of Starling Inlet, and from there, we went upstairs and then down the hill for Fung Hang village.
離開鳳坑村, 向谷埔村前行. 今天遊人稀少, 第一次看到牛群在海邊曬太陽!!!! 黑色的大水牛是牛群的領袖, 看牠威風凜凜的樣子!!
We left Fung Hang village for Kuk Po village afterwards... As there were just a few hikers here today, we could see many cows having sunbath @ the seaside of Kuk Po!!! The big and black buffalo is the leader of these cows, COOOOOOL!!
A kiss for our friendship.
The old village school (Kai Choi School) and an old temple @ Kuk Po village.
在啟才學校旁有村路通往一大片溪谷, 突然聽見牛的叫聲.... 看看牠們在幹什麼.
There is a footpath near Kai Choi School which is for some streams.... we walked along the stream and heard some sounds from the cows.... let's see what is going on....
原來牛群列隊回家, 黑色的大水牛作為領袖, 一邊走一邊大聲叫嚷, 通知前面的人讓路. 我們則在後面跟隨, 跟牛群一起回家!!
Oh!! The cows queued up for home!! With the biggest buffalo as the their team-leader!!! The leader kept on "yelling" as they were walking home, in order to let other people know they were coming!! We followed the herd and visited their home also!!
深入谷埔村, 村內已沒有什麼人居住, 全是大自然的世界, 能在此一遊, 真是幸運!!
Deep inside Kuk Po village. Nearly all the houses are abandoned, the nature has taken over this place!!! GREAT!! We are so lucky to be here today!!
We spent the whole afternoon with the cows in the fields.
Now it is the time to go back for Chung Kee stall, a food stall from Kuk Po Village.
Wetland inside Kuk Po Village.
The pier of Kuk Po.
Now we were back to the mini-bus stop outside Luk Keng Village.