Monastery visit @ Tsuen Wan && Short walk @ Sam Dip Tam Stream && West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade(荃灣MTR B2→兆和街小巴 81號→西方寺→漫遊三疊潭→荃灣地鐵站→西九龍海濱長廊)
(Exit B2 of Tsuen Wan MTR station→Minibus no.81 @ Shiu Wo Street→Western Monastery→Short walk along Sam Dip Tam Stream→Back to Tsuen Wan MTR station→West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade)
Past visits in 2010:~
今早在荃灣地鐵站 B出口集合, 然後到兆和街乘小巴 81號, 於西方寺下車. 久違了的西方寺, 依舊靈氣迫人, 莊嚴宏偉.
We started from Exit B of Tsuen Wan MTR station this morning. Then we walked to Shiu Wo Street, and there, we took minibus no.81 for Western Monastery (Buddhist Monastery). We havn't been to Western Monastery for a long time, it is still so eye-catching.
Statues of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and Reclining Buddha (Bottom).
Many beautiful buildings @ the monastery.
離開西方寺, 沿老圍路步向香海慈航船廟.
We left Western Monastery and then walked along the traffic Road for the Ship Temple.
經過數天的暴雨, 三疊潭早已滿了水.
Rainy for the past week and the water was flushing out @ Sam Dip Tam Stream. Dangerous to stay near this place.
三疊潭一直都有不少都市傳說:~ 有水鬼!! 水鬼會引人下水. 皆因昔日有不少人在此游泳而溺斃, 所以便有很多鬼故事. 而由於事故很多, 水流最強的部份三疊潭, 亦給附近的村民用岩石堵塞, 以便減緩水流. 不過, 今天見水流亦十分強勁, 下水去玩肯定會給沖走.
至於水鬼找替身的傳聞, 今天我們的確在潭水中聽見有女人的叫聲!!! 不過在水潭後面的樹叢中, 有不少村民居住, 村民加上電視機的聲音, 再混合雨後潭水的發出極大的嘈雜聲, 會令人產生錯覺, 以為有人在水中!! 以前曾有人聽到水中有人的聲音而跳入水中, 結果救人不成亦給潭水淹死.
There are lots of urban legends about Sam Dip Tam Stream!! Mostly are ghosts pulling people into the water!! Many people swam here after thunderstorm and then drowned, so that is why so many strange stories for this place!! You can see how strong the water current can become after rain around this place from these photos..... Actually the part with the strongest currents is already "blocked" by huge rocks to avoid fatal accidents, but it is still very dangerous to go near the stream after rain.
For the legend~ "water ghosts" pulling people into the water~~ we had an experience today!! I have heard from some stories about this place, water ghosts attracted people's attention by making screams and let people jump into the water to save the "victims"!! Yes, we could hear woman screaming from the water this morning!! But we noticed that there are houses behind the bushes, when the noises from the villagers and the TVs come together with the loud noise from the stream, it will make some strange sound quite similar to a woman screaming in the water!! But of course, you still need to have a look whether there is somebody falling into the water or not. Call the police for help if somebody really has fallen into the water!!!!
Old Buddhist monasteries inside Lo Wai Village.
We were inside Lo Wai Village.
A Chinese herb garden (for Chinese medicine) inside Lo Wai Village, funded by HK Jockey Club.
午飯後離開荃灣區, 在九龍站出發, 到西九龍海濱長廊一行.
After lunch in a veg. shop in Tsuen Wan, our next walk started from Kowloon MTR Station, for "West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade".
我們的黃色母艦在此, 會送大家上太空漫遊 :D (其實是西隧的通風裝置)
Our yellow mothership is right here, ready for the journey for different galaxies!!! (Part of the ventilation facilities of Western Harbour Tunnel)
本來打算來個單車遊, 但西九龍的海邊悶熱得沒一點風, 大家很快便返回圓方.
We came here for a bicycle ride at first, but it was really very hot at the seaside, so we quickly left and went back to Elements.
陽光下的 ICC 閃閃發亮, 像火箭快昇空.
ICC rocket was blinking under the sun