Monastery visit @ Keung Shan and Luk Wu, Lantau(東涌巴士總站 11 號巴士→上羗山法華寺站下車→遊覽羗山及鹿湖的寺院→靈隱寺午飯→下羗山坑口村→回東涌→一遊赤立角)
(Tung Chung Bus Terminus for bus no.11→Get off @ Fat Wah Monastery bus-stop in Upper Keung Shan→Walk @ Keung Shan and Luk Wu, for the monasteries→Lunch @ Ling Yan Monastery→Hang Hau Village of Lower Keung Shan→Back to Tung Chung→Short Walk @ Chek Lap Kok)
今天改了行程, 沒有去竹篙灣, 大家在東涌乘11號大嶼山巴士出動, 然後在上羗山的法華寺站下車. 入口旁有多所寺院的指示牌, 方便尋找.
We have changed our schedule today, instead of going to Penny's Bay, we switched to monastery visit @ Upper Keung Shan, and then going for lunch @ Ling Yan Monastery. We took an NLB bus (no.11) and got down @ Fat Wa Monastery stop. You can also see the direction signs "Gammon Glen Eagle", "Luk Wu" and "Upper Keung Shan", which are in English.
Cheung Kwong Monastery, an abandoned monastery, already ruined.
被叢林圍抱著的精舍 "勝林", 仍然幽雅美麗, 相信仍有修行人在居住.
A little monastery surrounded by the bushes, it is called "Shing Lam", still in a very good condition, there should be monks or nuns living inside.
這裡是 "樂生蓮社", 明朗的藍色令人精神一震. 內裡的師父剛好到外面, 我們有幸能入內參觀. (不對外開放)
Here we are @ Lok Sang Lin She Monastery, this blue monastery looks so bright and beautiful, it has also "enhanced" our energy level!!! It is NOT open to public, but we are so lucky this morning, the nun came out and invited us to go inside and have a look.
鹿湖區內最美的 "覺修寺國際禪院", 與大自然合一的設計非常有"禪" 味, 是跑馬地秀峰禪院的郊區禪林, 源自韓國, 有很多人從市區來參加定期禪修.
Here we are, at the most beautiful monastery of Luk Wu ~~ "International Zen Centre Gak Su Temple". It is the Lantau Zen centre of Subong Temple, which is in Happy Valley. It originates from Korea, with lots of people coming here frequently for retreats and meditation. The Zen centre perfectly fits in with the environment of Luk Wu, becoming part of the nature.
來到鹿湖區內最古老的寺院~~ 鹿湖精舍, 自清朝已存在, 其古樸的外形令人像置身古代!!! 旁邊的"回光反照" 山門在昔日是寺院的門. 以前附近有湖及常有赤麂來飲水, 所以這裡被稱為鹿湖. 不過今天已沒有湖, 赤麂亦清失了.
Now we were in front of the OLDEST monastery of Luk Wu~~ Luk Wu Monastery!! This monastery is built during the Qing Dynasty, already an antique!! The stone arch-door used to be the entrance of the monastery in the past, now looks like a monument.... There was a lake nearby in the old days, with lots of muntjac drinking and playing... what a beautiful scene!! So this is why this place is called "Luk Wu", which means "Deer Lake". But now both the lake and the muntjac disappeared..... so bad..... :(
A small monastery, Fat Chuen Monastery, nobody is living inside.
Lunch @ Ling Yan Monastery.
飯後, 大家走進靈隱寺附近的下羗山坑口村內探秘.
We had a little bit of "adventure" after lunch, inside Hang Hau Village of Lower Keung Shan, which is near Ling Yan Monastery.
村內的大樹菠蘿及BB 大樹菠蘿
Jackfruit tree with big jackfruit, also with a cute "baby" jackfruit!
The seaside of Chek Lap Kok.