Monastery walk @ Tsz Wan Shan, Wong Tai Sin(慈雲山北→沙田坳道→獅子亭→沙田坳道慈雲山觀音寺→法藏寺→慈雲閣→志蓮淨院→南蓮園池)
(Tsz Wan Shan North→Shatin Pass Road→Lion Association Pavilion→Guan-yin Monastery→Fat Jong Temple→Tsz Wan Kok Tao Monastery→Chi Lin Nunnery→Nan Lian Garden)
交通 Traffic:
巴士 Bus: 3C, 2F, 3M, 15A
小巴 Minibus: 37M, 18
慈雲山寺院行 For Tsz Wan Shan
慈雲山觀音寺的猴子軍團 Monkey gangsters @ Guan-yin Temple, Tsz Wan Shan:
慈雲閣的地獄十八景 Scenes of Hell @ Tsz Wan Kok Tao Monastery:
鑽石山志蓮淨院及南蓮園池 Chi Lin Nunnery and Nan Lian Garden @ Diamond Hill:
從黃大仙地鐵站的 A 或 E 出口起步, 先左轉, 再步向沙田坳道 (沙田坳是在黃大仙區, 是可通向沙田的路段, 但要步行數小時!!!).
在沙田坳道的小巴總站乘18號小巴, 於法藏寺站下車. 山路又斜又長, 要有準備才上山.
Start from Exit A or E of Wong Tai Sin MTR station, turn left and walk to Shatin Pass Road
(Shatin Pass is a path in Wong Tai Sin, leading to Shatin, but you'll need to walk for a few hours to reach Shatin!!!!).
Then you can see many mini-buses there, take number 18 and get down @ Fat Jong Temple.
The footpath is very long and steep, get enough water before you move uphill.
經沙田坳道上山, 沿路全是樹林, 難以想像在非常都市化的黃大仙都可以行山!!
Walk along Shatin Pass Road, you'll find the whole place is covered by bushes and mountains!!!
You can't imagine you can have hiking in Wong Tai Sin, which is a highly urbanized district!
慈雲山觀音寺的休憩亭, 名紫竹亭, 在半山上.
A sun shelter along the hillside of Shatin Pass Road, which is named as "Purple Bamboo Pavilion",
it is part of the Guan-yin monastery.
紫竹亭旁邊是獅子會的獅子園, 穿過此地便是獅子亭.
Here is the entrance of Lions Garden (built by Lions Clubs International), enter and you can find Lions Pavilion at the other side.
獅子亭對面是十二芴村, 亦是衛奕信徑通向獅子山的路段之一. 村外有士多, 有豆腐花及食物飲品. 附近亦有燒烤場, 位於沙田坳康樂區內.
At the opposite side of Lions Pavilion, there is a food stall outside Shap Yi Wat village, with chilled sweet tofu and other snacks and drinks!
Wilson Trail for Lion Rock is here too!! There are BBQ sites nearby, which are part of "Shatin Pass Recreation Area", just next to this food stall.
稍下山返回慈雲山觀音寺的路段, 有指示牌可步向山下的觀音寺.
路上有很多猴子, 由於農曆新年有很多遊人帶了水果來觀音寺拜祭, 猴子軍團一直在寺院附近聚集, 一見有水果便一大群從樹上跳下.
猴子軍團偶爾還會搶去遊人的膠袋, 希望能找到水果, 大家要小心.
要看猴子軍團的活動~~ 按此
Just walk back and down-slope for Guan-yin Monastery, you can see the road sign on the road.
Lots of monkeys gathered around the monastery, as many visitors brought fruit for worshipping during the Chinese New Year holidays,
monkey gangsters wanted to get some more fruit.
Monkeys sometimes will grab hikers' bags for food, and they even jump up to the shrine of Guan-yin monastery to get fruit.
To have a look @ the monkey gangsters, click here.
Outside Tsz Wan Shan Guan-yin monastery.
觀音寺非常古樸, 不少地方正在維修中. 內有甘露亭, 水月宮, 山上有姻緣石, 山下有大雄寶殿.
This Guan-yin Monastery is very old and some of the buildings are under maintenance work.
There are pavilion, Shui Yuet Palace, Rock of love and marriage near the hilltop, and the Great Heroes' Hall.
經沙田坳道下山, 到法藏寺一遊.
We walked downhill along Shatin Pass Road, and had a visit @ Fat Jong Temple.
從慈雲山道的沙田坳邨前走, 可到達慈雲閣, 一所有名的道觀 (在伊斯蘭小學對面).
在80年代, 長沙灣屠宰場中有一頭等待被宰的牛, 流著淚跪在地上求人不要殺牠, 屠夫便把牠送給慈雲閣, 直至牠年老病逝.
We walked along Tsz Wan Shan Road, from Shatin Pass Estate. You can see Tsz Wan Kok, a Tao Monastery, which is just at the opposite side of an Islamic Primary School.
This Tao Monastery is very famous, there was a TRUE story in the early 80s,
a cow from Cheung Sha Wan Slaughterhouse (closed now) weeped in tears and knelt before the workers in the slaughterhouse,
just like begging for its life. So the workers sent this cow to Tsz Wan Kok Tao Monastery, and the cow lived in the monastery until it became old and died.
居然有一印度人的石像在此! :D
Oh!! There is a stone Indian security guide outside the monastery!! lol!!!
There are many interesting scenic spots and rock carvings here, come and have a look!!
道觀內另一著名景點~~ 天然山洞內的地獄十八景!! 山洞看來陰森可怖, 內裡又冷又濕, 加上地獄景像栩栩如生, 真的令人不寒而慄!!
A well-known scenic spot here~~ a naturally formed cave with 18 scenes of Hell!!!
It is humid and cold inside the cave, surrounded by lots of horrifying statues, really look like Hell!!!!
Other scenes @ the monastery.
離開慈雲山, 乘小巴到志蓮淨院及南蓮園池參觀.
We took a minibus and left Tsz Wan Shan after the visit @ Tsz Wan Kok.
Then we had a walk @ Chi Lin Nunnery and Nan Lian Garden @ Diamond Hill.