Upper Pak Nai && Lau Fau Shan
(西鐵朗屏站 E 出口→泰豐街→33 號小巴→下白泥→小巴回流浮山→遊覽流浮山→K56 巴士回天水圍西鐵站→錦上路市場)
(Long Ping Station Exit E [West Rail] →Tai Fung Street→Minibus no.33→Lower Pak Nai→Minibus to Lau Fau Shan→Visit Lau Fau Shan→Back to Tin Shui Wai West Rail station by K56 MTR feeder bus→Kam Sheung Road flea market)
白泥及流浮山之行, 現在開始! 先在西鐵朗屏站E 出口起步, 下樓梯至元朗安樂路, 再向左轉, 步至大橋路, 然後再走向元朗安寧路. 沿此路前走, 看見大榮華酒樓後, 轉入泰豐街, 便可見到往白泥的 33號小巴.
Our walk to Pak Nai and Lau Fau Shan began from here!! First, started from Exit E of Long Ping Station (West Rail). Then go downstairs for Yuen Long On Lok Road.
Then turn left for Tai Kiu Road. Walk to Yuen Long On Ning Road and then walk along this road until you can see Wing Wah Restaurant.
Finally you'll reach Tai Fung Street, and the minibus terminus for no.33 (to Pak Nai) is right there.
已到了下白泥村, 亦即是總站.
Now we were @ the minibus terminus, that's Lower Pak Nai (Ha Pak Nai) Village.
這裡便是下白泥有名的魚塘, 小漁村及濕地美景!!! 附近有芒果樹呢!!!
Here are the famous scenes of Lower Pak Nai~ fish ponds, fish village and wetland. There's a big mango tree nearby also!
由下白泥再乘小巴離開, 到了流浮山!!
Left Lower Pak Nai by minibus and now we were @ Lau Fau Shan, a famous oyster cultivation area for many years!!!
沿大街(公廁旁進入) 向蠔場方向走, 途中全是海產市場及海鮮酒家.
We walked from the main street (just next to the public toilet) for the oyster cultivation area.
We could see the Lau Fau Shan Commercial Committee, together with many seafood stalls and seafood restaurants.
大街的盡頭便是著名的流浮山蠔排!! 大陣腥味撲鼻而來, 夾著海水氣味. 可憐的魚在陽光下被曬成魚干, 海邊有很多蠔殼, 這裡是后海灣, 對面便是深圳了.
The end of the main street is the famous oyster cultivation area of Lau Fau Shan!!!
Smell of the seafood and the sea, they stinked!!!! Poor fish were placed under the sun, for making salted dried fish!!
There are countless oyster shells along the seaside --- here's Hau Hoi Wan (Deep Bay), and the opposite side is Shenzhen (China) already!!
漁民即時在開蠔殼, 再把蠔肉拿出來 (好可憐的蠔....阿彌陀佛), 供給附近的海鮮酒家. 蠔排上亦有正在乾曬的蠔肉.
Fishermen opened the oyster shells @ the seaside... Rest In Peace, Amitabha, oysters!!
They opened the shells and took out the flesh for the seafood restaurants nearby.
There are also dried oysters @ the oyster cultivation area, these dried ones are for the seafood stores.
這裡是採蠔的地方, 很臭呢!!! 有很多小小的蠔苗, 黏在石塊上.
The oyster fields~ the smell really horrible!!! There are lots of baby oysters stuck to the rocks @ the shallow water.
蠔排後有一片很大的紅樹林!! 有海鳥在附近聚集, 很美的一幕.
A big piece of mangrove at the back of the oyster fields!! Lots of birds gathered along the seaside (for the oysters?)
悄悄走進漁民的海邊小屋內玩, 風景很不錯.
We went into the fishermen's seaside little hut for fun~ nobody noticed this!! Keep quiet!!
The scene @ Deep Bay & Shenzhen was not bad.
空無一人的流浮山街市~ 仍有一股血腥味, 內裡陰暗, 十分可怖.
Creepy and dark Lau Fau Shan Market without anybody inside~ still with a smell of blood, we could feel the negative energy of killings here :( .
空無一人的魚市場, 又濕又暗又臭, 電線隨海風飄揚, 偶爾有一兩陣木板的撞擊聲, 像置身恐怖片的拍攝場地.
Inside the fish market @ the seaside, with nobody around~ dark, smelly, wet and slippery!!
The power cords from the lamps were hanging down and shaking in the sea breeze,
with the clapping sounds from the wooden boards.... were we @ the scenes of horror movies??
日月魚干~ 究竟是什麼?? 我從未見過仍生存的日月魚.... 原來是貝類, 不是魚....
有關日月魚: 當天朗氣清陽光充沛時,它便張開殼曬太陽,順便尋食浮游生物:夜間月亮高掛時,它同樣張開殼覓食,故能吸收日月精華。
Dried fish~ they are called "Yat-yuet" fish (means Sun and moon fish)!
I have never seen living "Yat-yuet" fish before (all are already dried!)
I wonder how they looked like when they were still alive?
Haha, Sun and Moon fish... actually they're shells, not fish.. why Sun and Moon?
People said that one side of the shell is RED (SUN) and another side is white (MOON).
And these sea creatures like to open their shells during daytime for food, but also open their shells under moonlight.
There's a name for them: Sun and Moon Scallop
到了蠔業養殖協會, 附近可清楚看到后海灣, 亦有一大片濕地, 上面有很多蟹及彈塗魚.
Now we were in front of the offic of Deep Bay Oyster Cultivation Association!
You can see Deep Bay very clearly from here, and there's a big piece of wetland nearby,
with lots of crabs and mudskippers on the mud.
(上)小型蠔油廠, (下)古老港式冰室, 市區已經見不到了.
(Top)A little oyster sauce factory
(Bottom) A very old HK style "cafe", which cannot be seen in the urban area now.
This little cafe must be very very old, as this kind of HK style was "HIT" during the 1970-80s.
流浮山大街外, 有港鐵接駁巴士 K56 至天水圍西鐵站. 巴士站就在天水圍站 B 出口的天橋下.
There's MTR feeder bus no.K56 available @ the Lau Fau Shan main street (there are also minibuses for other scenic spots), which is for Tin Shui Wai West Rail station.
The bus stop is @ the bottom of the flyover near the exit B of Tin Shui Wai station.