Fighting against heatwave and strong monsoon wind @ Trio Beach
(KMB bus no. 92→Pak Sha Wan bus-stop→Pak Sha Wan Pier→Ferry for Trio Beach→Ferry back to Pak Sha Wan)
旁邊有山路回西貢蕉坑獅子會, 不過要走 1小時左右.
There is a hiking trail next to this big stuff @ the hillside of Trio Beach.
You can walk for 1 hour to Tsiu Hang Lion Nature Education Centre from Trio Beach, if you don't want to take a ferry.

有食物及飲品, 又可以坐下.
Our ferry is coming!!!!
回到白沙灣, 太陽已經西下.
在碼頭等待下一班街渡, 時間不定, 2024 來回是 HK$30.
最後一班船由三星灣開出, 大約是18:00, 旱一點去碼頭等候.
To get a ferry from Pak Sha Wan to Trio Beach (or vice versa), just wait @ the pier.
No time-table is available, just know that the last ferry leaving from Trio Beach is around 18:00.
Wait @ the pier before 18:00.
The round trip ticket is HK$30 in 2024.