Short walk in Tin Shui Wai Village (disappeared from the map)
(元朗福康街小巴總站→小巴 74號→盛屋村總站→轉入右方車路→天水圍村→天水圍及豐樂圍)
(Fuk Hong Street minibus terminus→Minibus no. 74→Shing Uk Village minibus terminus→Turn right for another traffic road→Tin Shui Wai Village→Tin Shui Wai / Fung Lok Wai Fish ponds)
舊日天水圍 Old Tin Shui Wai:

Minibus terminus.

Minibus no. 74.

Alight @ Shing Uk Village mini-bus terminus.

轉右. Turn right for the village road.

丫髻山 (髻山).
Ngai Kai Shan (peak), or "Kai Shan".

本來今日是想來看鳳眼藍, 可惜仍未開花.
We came here today for seeing water hyacinth blooming, but a pity we couldn't find any flowers!!
The big piece of green leaves above the fish pond are the leaves of water hyacinth, not sure whether the flowering month will come in June or after autumn.....

沒有鳳眼藍, 但魚塘早已被其葉子佔領了.
Some of the fish ponds are already swallowed by the leaves of water hyacinth.

突然出現一條村落, 是地圖上沒有的 天水圍村!
天水圍早已變成新市鎮, 這邊的天水圍村仍然是寧靜的小漁村, 彷彿回到舊香港.
Suddenly we saw an old fishing village, with a few pieces of farmlands around.
This place is old Tin Shui Wai Village, which is NOT found on the maps.
車路仍然是昔日的沙石路, 沒有石屎, 偶然有村車經過, 完全是昔日鄉郊的生活模式.
村車本來是小貨車, 從前用來運貨到墟市的, 現在村外有小巴, 村車幾乎已絕跡.
這裡離小巴站很遠, 沒有小巴服務, 村民都要步行到小巴站.
村車由尖鼻咀方向來, 其實也沒有停下來, 車路是沙石, 村車走過時都會震動.
The traffic road is still in old style (gravel road), sometimes we can see little trucks coming from Tsim Bei Tsui (尖鼻咀) direction, NO public transport available in this place, villagers have to walk on these gravel roads for the nearest mini-bus stop.
In the old days, when not many mini-buses are available in the countryside, little trucks carry residents or vegetables grown in the villages to the town centre.
Now as the public transport reaches most of the big villages, these village trucks don't always come, quite a surprise we can still see one today, as this village is really too far away from the outside world.
不知不覺, 由天水圍走到已無人居住的豐樂圍.
豐樂圍的對岸, 是天水圍新市鎮.
比安裝天眼更有效的 防止亂倒垃圾告示板.
How to stop people from dumping rubbish into fish ponds?
Just put this signage up, it works much better than any surveillance camera.
(Those who throw rubbish into fish ponds will have punishment from GOD, BAD karma on themselves and their offsprings.)

走了半天路, 又渴又餓, 在漁塘旁的路邊坐下, 臨時咖啡座又營業了.
After a few hours' walk, time for a tea break.
豐樂圍路邊咖啡座開幕, 今次預計會營業半小時.
Fung Lok Wai temporary roadside cafe is OPEN!!
This time it will open for 30 minutes.

地圗上的一大堆漁塘, 是今天到訪之地.
左邊是新市鎮, 右邊是鄉村.
OLD and NEW of Tin Shui Wai:
(Left) Tin Shui Wai Town Centre
(Right) Tin Shui Wai Village