Cookware testing before a big thunderstorm @ Tai Tan Campsite

黃昏開始會有狂風暴雨, 今日營地一個人也沒有.
A big thunderstorm will come in the evening, NOBODY is at the campsite today.

今天只會逗留數小時, 不設營, 用天幕.
We will leave the campsite before sunset time (actually a gloomy and dull day without any sunshine), no tent, only a simple tarp shelter.

今天只是為了試用新買的超小型茶壺, 午飯後小休一會便會離開.
最近很多露營用品大減價, 這個Trangia 超小型茶壺大約 HK$110.
由於很細小 (134×70 mm), 可以放入保鮮盒內, 不過只能燒600ml 的水.
We came here mainly for the testing of our new little Trangia kettle (link below for the spec.)
There are BIG SALE in many camping equipment shops these days, I bought this little kettle @ around HK$110 (US$14-14.1).
It's a bit small (600ml, 134×70 mm) but I can put it inside a small container.
Woow, it's COOL!!!
Donny likes it.

Donny 去找水源.
Donny is rushing for water.

It's small enough to be placed in a small food container.

今日逗留的時間不多, 只沖個即食杯粥.
Pluto 餓了.
Pluto is hungry.

We also have chocolate cakes.

午飯後, 把握時間在營地玩一會.
一個人也沒有的營地, 真是非常非常舒服!!!!
Really COZY and happy when NOBODY is at the campsite!!!!