**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom of this article, or the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.
龍鳳呈祥賀佛誕 -- 廸士尼深山浴佛之旅 (扒頭鼓)
Buddha Bathing near HK Disneyland on Buddha's Birthday (Pa Tau Kwu)
(Sunny Bay MTR station→MTR shuttle bus for HK Disneyland→Penny's Bay Power Station→Pa Tau Kwu→MTR shuttle bus for Sunny Bay MTR station)
是日佛誕, 昂首見祥雲, 龍鳳呈祥賀佛誕, 功德完滿, 異常殊勝
今日因受制於限聚令, 只能3-4 人一組, 分批上山, 為佛陀賀壽.
感恩受各龍天護法之厚愛, 氣溫雖然高達 30°C, 山上仍能享受陣陣涼風, 令大家精神舒暢!!
佛誕吉祥, 昂首見祥雲, 龍鳳呈祥青空展翅
Phoenix and dragon clouds all over the blue sky on Buddha's birthday.
龍鳳呈祥竹篙灣青空展翅, 米奇老鼠讓路悄然回穴.
@ 香港廸士尼
Outside HK Disneyland.
Phoenix and dragon clouds all over the blue sky @ Penny's Bay on Buddha's birthday.
Mickey Mouse is hiding, good!
Now going to Pa Tau Kwu.
The phoenix is right here, protecting us all the way long for Buddha Bathing.
扒頭鼓後山, 小溪旁浴佛兼登山.
Now @ the back of Pa Tau Kwu, we stopped @ a stream for Buddha Bathing and later we went uphill from here.
小溪旁浴佛, 世尊出動!!
Namo Bhagavate!!!! Buddha is here!
Buddha climbed over the rocks.
Captain also @ the Buddha Bathing ceremony.
Phoenix was present during the whole Buddha Bathing ceremony.
Going up to Pa Tau Kwu.
Go up for Pa Tau Kwu from another stream.
草比人高, 下山了.
The grass is taller than us..... going down .....
Dragon clouds over Penny's Bay Power station.
We found a dried stream and going up to the hillside.
@ 竹篙灣咀, 下望廸士尼新翼.
@ Mouth of Penny's Bay (Chuk Ko Wan Tsui), we could see the new wing of Disneyland which is still under construction.
扒頭鼓最高點, 可惜山路被叢林所掩, 已看不到.
The highest point of Pa Tau Kwu, the trail is under the trees and no way to access now.
忽見光柱照射扒頭鼓最高點, 有龍雲飄近, 陽光從雲間射出, 奇景也, 當然立即拍下.
Suddenly a big piece of dragon cloud stopped @ the highest point of Pa Tau Kwu, and sun ray coming down from it! An amazing scene to watch!
扒頭鼓最高點賞龍雲, 很熱.
A big piece of dragon cloud stopped @ the highest point of Pa Tau Kwu.
市區晚飯, 佛陀像經大自然的開光, 份外醒目.
Buddha statue looks more beautiful after Buddha Bathing.
Nice dinner with Buddha and Captain!
夕陽西下, 鳳凰隨著我們來到市區為港人祝福
Phoenix is blessing Hong Kong.
Sunset time, goodbye Phoenix, see you later.
Dragons are leaving.
巨大 UFO 雲.
UFO-shaped clouds.