**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom of this article, or the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.
萬宜深度遊 ~ 西貢東結界體驗遊 (糧船灣結界)
Great fun near Sai Kung East Energy Barrier (urban legend) @ High Island
(西貢碼頭 / 北潭涌 的士站→西貢萬宜路白腊村路口→下樓梯往白腊村→白腊灣→白腊村公所旁小路→東丫方向→沙橋村→東丫村→東丫海謄養殖場→糧船灣天后廟→北丫村→大蛇灣村→蛇灣山→回北丫村涼亭→涼亭旁小路往西貢萬宜路→萬宜西壩→萬宜水庫入口→大網仔路→上窰村巴士站→西貢碼頭)
(Sai Kung Pier / Pak Tam Chung Taxi stop→Pak Lap Village @ Sai Kung Man Yee Road→Downstairs for Pak Lap Village→Pak Lap Bay→Footpath next to Pak Lap Village Office building→The way for Tung A→Sha Kiu Village→Tung A Village→Sea urchin farm & seafood restaurant→High Island [Leung Shuen Wan] Tin Hau Temple→Upstairs for Tung A Village→Tai She Wan Village [Big Snake Bay Village]→She Wan Shan [Snake Bay Peak]→Back to the pavilion of Pak A Village→Footpath next to the pavilion & road signage for High Island Reservoir [Sai Kung Man Yee Road]→High Island Reservoir [West Dam]→Entrance for High Island Reservoir @ Sai Kung Man Yee Road→Tai Mong Tsai Road→Sheung Yiu Village bus-stop→Back to Sai Kung Pier)
About Sai Kung Barrier:
Sai Kung Barrier is an "area" which is NOT existing in our material / 3D world.
From various urban legends, hikers gone missing or disappeared for a few days without knowing where he was, with loss of memories for the days during his disappearance, while hiking in Sai Kung East.
People believe that these hikers accidentally got trapped in an area which doesn't belong to our world.
As all these relevant cases took place in Sai Kung East, many HK people believe that there is an energy "barrier" in Sai Kung East.
Today we went for a walk @ one of the supposed "Sai Kung East Energy Barriers", which is mentioned in an article written by a HK writer in 2018 (https://www.explofessional.com/%E6%B3%B0%E9%AC%BC%E7%95%B0-%E6%96%87%E7%AB%A0/18b0616) (Chinese only).
The writer had a walk with his friends from Long Ke Beach to High Island Reservoir, and they suddenly found that the place became very creepy when they were near "Tung A", and finally when they reached "Pak A", they were lost in the woods and couldn't find a way to leave until 8 hours had passed.
The place where they got lost is near She Wan Shan (Snake Bay Peak) and Big Snake Bay, and we also went there for a look.
西貢結界, 香港無人不知, 但結界在那兒?? 沒有人知道, 只是大部分傳聞都是在西貢東, 集中在萬宜水庫附近, 至大浪西灣一帶.
西貢結界的故事其實資料不多, 大部分都是多年前行山失蹤的丁利華, 以及另一位幸運地從西貢結界大蚊山回到人間的鵬哥.
今回我們去的, 則似是惟一的, 深入又清楚地講述出在西貢東結界的所見所聞, 亦是跟其他有關西貢結界的故事, 所講及的地點非常不同.
作者所進入的西貢結界詳細地圖, 我們今天跟著去走一遍:
作者所進入的西貢結界, 根據我們親身探訪, 應該是在蛇灣山:
白腊村有食店, 可供補給.
A little restaurant @ Pak Lap Bay.
白腊灣 Pak Lap Bay.
There's a footpath next to Pak Lap Village, leading to Tung Ar Village.
沙橋頭 Sha Kiu Tau.
沙橋魚排, 亦是海謄養殖場
Fishing rafts and sea urchin farm.
糧船灣, 後面是海謄養殖場的食店
High Island (Leung Shuen Wan). The sea urchin farm and seafood restaurant are at our back.
High Island Tin Hau Temple.
Dragon boats of High Island, Golden Dragon and Silver Dragon.
Go upstairs for Pak A Village.
Abandoned High Island Public School.
北丫村 Pak A Village.
北丫涼亭旁, 小路返回西貢萬宜路
A footpath near Pak A Pavilion, you can go upstairs for Sai Kung Man Yee Road.
Quite surprised to see a little seaside restaurant in Pak A Village.
北丫碼頭 Pak A Pier.
大蛇灣村, 應該是文章中所指的, 西貢結界的位置
Tai She Wan Village (Big Snake Bay Village), where the Sai Kung East Barrier locates, according to the article written in 2018.
可上山路, 但上面有大量山墳, 草亦很長, 我們折回再走村路.
Turn right to go for the muddy trail, with graves everywhere. The grass was quite long, so we went down again and turn left for the woods.
村路通向蛇灣山, 但地圖其實沒有標示這段路, 文中的結界是否在此地附近??
路的後段, 其實已成了密林, 有墳墓. 走出了山林看見山下的大蛇灣, 但已經沒有路下山.
我們以一大堆盛放的紅花作記認, 才能走回林中, 今日未能找到去大蛇灣廢墟的路, 很失望.
We kept on walking along the village path but finally we found out that we were @ Big Snake Peak, looking down to Big Snake Bay!
No more hiking trail and the whole place is surrounded by trees and very long grass.
Is the Sai Kung Barrier mentioned in the article locating in this place?
We were not able to find a trail for the abandoned village near the seaside of Big Snake Bay, a pity!!!!
路的後段, 已成了密林, 若非有紅花相伴作記認, 險些找不回我們所來的小路.
We were surrounded by the woods and nearly not able to find out the trail we had walked.
重回北丫村涼亭, 上樓梯再走回西貢萬宜路
Back to Pak A Pavilion, then we went up for Sai Kung Man Yee Road.
萬宜西壩附近, 下面是創興水上活動中心.
Now we were near the west dam of High Island Reservoir, with Chong Hing Watersports Centre and AstroPark.
萬宜西壩 West Dam of High Island Reservoir.
最後, 太陽下山前走到萬宜水庫入口涼亭.
We were @ the entrance of High Island Reservoir before sunset, great!!
今日的 西貢東結界體驗遊 順利完成, 大家沒有被結界給走, 非常幸運.
不過, 其實我們也相信, 文章作者所指出的怪異點, 不是胡說的.
事實上, 作者指出景物突變之地, "東丫" 及沙橋一帶, 那邊的確有點陰陰的, 因為已無人居住多年, 陰氣很盛.
走到糧船灣天后廟, 由於有不少旅行團來了, 人多人, 陰氣才消失掉.
而作者所指出的被困點, 應該是我們走去蛇灣山的林徑, 查看地圖, 林徑沒有標示在地圖上.
從本來的少許石屎村路, 走到密林中, 內有不少分义小徑, 如非當地居民, 迷路的機會很大.
我們也是以密林中的墳墓及紅花引路, 才走到較開揚的地方, 但回程時, 因為樹太多, 險些找不到回程的路.
而有位朋友帶了指南針來, 但的確指針完全不動, 而蛇灣山也靜得有點不尋常.
不過我們懷疑是蛇灣山下, 可能有石英礦, 其磁場令此地有點令人不適.....
別忘記, 此地本來就是一個超級火山!!!!