**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom of this article, or the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.
Captain in wild @ Repulse Bay Pass (Tsin Shui Wan Au)
(灣仔街市尚翹峰巴士站→巴士 6 號→黃泥涌水塘公園下車→陽明山莊→大潭郊野公園→大潭上水塘→大潭副水塘→大潭道方向→港島徑第 6 段→稍探大潭崗→回大潭中水塘→淺水灣坳山徑→長連石澗 [長連坑]→紫崗橋→赤柱西引水道→赫蘭道巴士站)
(The Zenith @ Wan Chai Market→Bus no. 6→Wong Nai Chung Reservoir→HK Parkview→Tai Tam Country Park→Tai Tam Upper Reservoir→Tai Tam Byewash Reservoir→Tai Tam Road→HK Trail Stage 6→A little visit to Tai Tam Mound→Back for Tai Tam Intermediate Reservoir→Mountain trail for Tsin Shui Wan Au [Repulse Bay Pass]→Cheung Lin Stream→Tsz Kong Bridge→Stanley West Catchwater→Bus-stop @ Headland Road)
今個星期, 又是大潭水塘, 不過今次是另外一條山徑.
We came for Tai Tam Reservoir again this week, but this time a different adventure.
進入港島徑第 6 段
Going to HK Trail Stage 6.
Nice sunshine!!!
H066, 大潭崗已近.
@ H066, we were near Tai Tam Mound.
木橋旁邊可爬下去大潭崗瀑布, 不過今天遊人實在太多, 我們還是去看長連坑.
Here's a wooden bridge..... You can crawl down via a sandy trail for Tai Tam Mound Waterfall. But there were lots of visitors crawling down today, we changed our plan a bit - going to Repulse Bay Pass for another stream.
下去大潭崗瀑布的山路較難走, 小心勿跌下山坑.
This is the sandy trail for Tai Tam Mound Waterfall.
Not hiker-friendly, you have to crawl / climb instead of walking......
Now @ Tai Tam Intermediate Reservoir.
可經淺水灣坳往淺水灣, 赤柱或紫羅蘭山.
This way for Repulse Bay / Stanley / Violet Hill.
At the top of the dam (Tai Tam Intermediate Reservoir).
Walk along the hiking trail around the reservoir.
往淺水灣坳的山徑, 路上有大量石澗, 有時要在濕滑的石上走, 非常有歷奇感覺, 很好玩.
The hiking trail for Repulse Bay Pass (Tsin Shui Wan Au) is quite a wild mountain trail, with lots of streams, moss and slippery rocks. Sometimes you need to climb over wet and slippery rocks, you will have a happy time here if you like to have a wild experience.
The 1st bridge just between rocks and streams.
You can also walk through the rocky "road" if you don't like to use the bridge.
The 2nd bridge deep inside the mountain.
終於走到長連石澗 [長連坑], 在此休息 + 野餐.
Now we were @ Cheung Lin Stream, we stopped here for a rest and had a picnic under the waterfalls.
第三道橋 - 紫崗橋, 此地便是淺水灣坳, 但離淺水灣仍然很遠.
@ the 3rd bridge, that is Tsz Kong Bridge.
Now we were @ Repulse Bay Pass (Tsin Shui Wan Au), but it is still far away from Repulse Bay Beach.
如要往淺水灣, 便要在 "赤柱西引水道" 旁邊的山路下山, 不過那段山路比較爛, 我們選擇了平坦的 赤柱西引水道 離開.
沿 赤柱西引水道 走大約半小時, 便會到最近的巴士站.
@ Stanley West Catchwater.
If you want to go down for Repulse Bay Beach, you should walk via a mountain trail next to this catchwater.
We walked via this catchwater for the nearest bus-stop today (around 30 minutes), not going to Repulse Bay Beach.
Stanley West Catchwater.
Go downstairs for Headland Road bus-stop, the signage is on the ground.