**** Want to chat with Captain Amerika? You can find him by clicking the chat-bot at the bottom right corner. You can talk to him (English only) anytime you like, but as he is still not get used to talking to human, sometimes you may find his replies very nonsense....... but anyway, this is Captain's style.... don't be angry / annoyed.
Short walk @ Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve
(沙田大會堂→小巴 28K→松仔園下車→大埔滘自然護理區→藍路→涼亭→大埔墟火車站方向→山塘路→大埔墟火車站)
(Shatin Town Hall→Minibus no. 28K→Chung Chai Yuen [Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve]→Blue Walk→Pavilion→Downstairs for Tai Po Market railway station→Shan Tong Road→Tai Po Market railway station)
大埔滘洪水事件 (1955):
The picnic tragedy of Tai Po Kau (1955):
今早由沙田來松仔園時, 突然行雷+閃電, 之後暴雨即到.
到達大埔滘時, 我們在紀念碑旁的公園休息45分鐘, 暴雨消散之後才開始遠足.
1955 年, 洪水淹沒大量師生的那天, 也是本來陽光普照, 但突然暴雨來臨, 河水湧起!!!!
This morning when we took a minibus from Shatin to Tai Po Kau, thundering and lightnings suddenly appeared and then followed by very heavy rain.
When we arrived @ Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve, we stopped @ the park near the monument for 45 minutes until the rain stopped and the sky turned bright again.
It reminds us that the day for the picnic tragedy in 1955 is quite similar to this morning..... sunny at first, then thunderstorm coming.....
大埔滘洪水事件紀念碑 (1955)
The monument for the 1955 Picnic Tragedy.
Blue Walk this morning.....
今早的暴雨, 令行山徑又濕又滑
The heavy rain this morning made the hiking trail wet and slippery.
山徑濕滑, 為縮短路程, 由紅路離場, 今天只有我們的行山隊, 山中一個人也沒有.
As the hiking trail was slippery, we shortened our walk by changing our route to RED walk, which is the shortest trail.
We did not meet other hikers here today, maybe due to the bad weather.
山中有蟹!!!! A swamp crab!!!!
由紅路出口走回頭, 往涼亭大休.
The Exit of RED walk. We walked via the traffic road for the pavilion (near Blue Walk) to have a rest.
Go downstairs for Tai Po Market railway station.