Walking along Lin Ma Hang Road & Visit to Phoenix Pool (Fung Wong Wu Village)
(上水火車站→九巴 79K→打鼓嶺總站→蓮麻坑路→松園下村→回蓮麻坑路→白虎山→香園圍→長瀝→打鼓嶺警崗 [禁區]→小巴 59K→鳳凰湖村→鳳凰湖村公所→鳳凰湖水坑 [平原河]→坪輋路→李屋村→小巴 52K→粉嶺火車站)
(Sheung Shui railway station→KMB bus no. 79K @ Landmark North→Ta Kwu Leng bus terminus→Lin Ma Hang Road→Tsung Yuen Ha Village→Lin Ma Hang Road→Pak Fu Shan [White Tiger Hill]→Heung Yuen Wai Village→Cheung Lik→Ta Kwu Ling Police Division Post 12 [Frontier closed area]→Minibus no. 59K→Fung Wong Wu Village [Phoenix Pool]→Fung Wong Wu Village Public Hall→Phoenix Pool [Ping Yuen River]→Ping Che Road→Lei Uk Village→Minibus no. 52K→Fanling railway Station)
白虎山 Pak Fu Shan (White Tiger Hill).
長瀝的打鼓嶺警崗 [禁區], 要禁區紙才能通過.
Ta Kwu Ling Police Division Post 12 [Frontier closed area], @ Cheung Lik.
NO ENTRY from here.
A permit is needed if you want to continue your walk.
Or just go back from the same way.
小巴 59K去鳳凰湖村
We came here by minibus no. 59K near the restricted area.
昔日鳳凰湖所在, 今日的平原河, 很失望吧!!
This is what it was called "Phoenix Pool" in the past, now it is Ping Yuen River.
Very disappointed, ya? You can't imagine phoenix will come to this place.