Easter Trilogy ~~ Short walk @ Wilson Trail Stage 5 (From Tai Wai to Shatin Pass Road)
(大圍火車站 F 出口 [往紅磡月台] →田心村方向→紅梅谷道→世界花園對面巴士站→獅子山郊野公園→望夫石方向→引水道--衛奕信徑第 5 段→向涼亭方向 W054 往慈雲山→引水道→雞胸山涼亭 [W050] →雞胸山→十二芴→沙田坳道→下山至慈雲閣外小巴站)
(Exit F of Tai Wai Railway Station [@ the platform for Hung Hom] →The way for Tin Sum Village→Hung Mui Kuk Road→World Garden→Bus-stop @ the opposite side of World Garden→Entrance of Lion Rock Country Park→Go upstairs to the way for Amah Rock→Catchwater -- Wilson Trail Stage 5 →Pavilion near distance post W054 [the direction for Tsz Wan Shan] →Walk along the catchwater→Pavilion @ Unicorn Ridge [Near distance post W050] →Unicorn Ridge→Shap Yi Wat→Shatin Pass Road→Go downstairs to Tsz Wan Shan Road for a minibus)