Short walk @ Tai Po Waterfront Park after a thunderstorm
(大埔墟火車站→大埔巴士總站 K17 港鐵巴士→富善邨總站→安埔路→富善邨孫方中小學→完善路→大埔海濱公園→原路回程)
(Tai Po Market Railway Station→Tai Po Bus terminus for MTR bus no. K17→Fu Shin Estate bus terminus→On Po Road→Sun Fong Chung Primary School @ Fu Shin Estate→Yuen Shin Road→Tai Po Waterfront Park→Back from the same way)
今早雨勢非常強勁, 而且還雷暴不絕. 到了下午天氣開始好轉, 不過只能在公園內走一走..... 中午時在大埔墟的街市熟食中心午飯後, 再從大埔火車站站出發, 先乘 K17 港鐵巴士到大埔富善邨. 經安埔路走向富善邨的善雅樓, 很快便找到孫方中小學. 沿著校舍後面的單車徑走 (這裡是完善路), 先過馬路到對面, 看到往九龍的路牌後, 再前走一分鐘便是大埔海濱公園的入口.
It was rainy with non-stop thunderstorm early this morning, and the rain did not stop until noon. We had lunch @ the cooked food market of Tai Po Municipal Building, waiting for the rain to stop. At about 14:00, the weather became fine and we took an MTR bus -- no. K17, from Tai Po Bus Terminus (near Tai Po Railway Station).
Started from Fu Shin Estate Bus Terminus, we walked along On Po Road for Sin Nga House (@ Fu Shin Estate). Then we found Sun Fong Chung Primary School nearby, and we turned to the cycling path @ Yuen Shin Road, which is at the back of the primary school. Walking along Yuen Shin Road (the direction for Kowloon) and then we crossed the road for the opposite side. There is a big road signage showing the way for Kowloon and Tai Po Centre, and just in one minute, we reached the entrance of Tai Po Waterfront Park!!
First we paid a visit to the Palm Garden.
重點參觀 --- 昆蟲屋!!! (無需購物)
Now we were outside Insect House.
Giant alien bugs outside Insect House.
We were feeding mosquitoes @ the pondside.
A weird obelisk..........
極之醜陋的 "香港回歸紀念塔" --- 這裡有不少古怪的建築, 是外星人的遊樂場嗎????
Even weirder and weirder..... look at this watch tower..... very ugly..... OMG!!!
Conclusion..... it is definitely an amusement park for aliens!!!
轉了幾個圈後, 終於到達塔頂.
Walking round-and-round and finally we had reached the top of the watch tower, with a rocket-like structure pointing to the sky.
The opposite side is Ma On Shan.
We could see Kwong Fuk Estate of Tai Po from here.
The yellowish Tolo Harbour.... so polluted....
從此角度看回歸紀念塔, 很像火箭.....
The watch tower really looks like a rocket if you look @ it from here.....
原野春夢, 又是草原撲蝶的時候了.....
Enjoy a little bit more GREEN in the park.