A walk for a forgotten place~ Tung Sam Kei Peninsula @ Long Hill, Sai Kung
(彩虹地鐵站 C 出口→小巴往西貢碼頭→九巴 94號→屋頭站下車→過對面土瓜坪→土瓜坪廢村→沿海邊上東心淇山→東心淇半島→原路回程)
(Exit C of Choi Hung MTR station→Minibus for Sai Kung Pier→KMB bus no. 94→Uk Tau bus-stop→Cross the road for To Kwa Peng [the opposite side] →To Kwa Peng Village [abandoned] →Walk along the seaside for Long Hill→Tung Sam Kei Peninsula→Back from the same trail)
今早天氣不錯, 可惜在西貢碼頭等了40分鐘才有巴士!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 最後終於到了屋頭村, 下車後走到對面的土瓜坪, 亦是今天的起步點.
Fine and a little bit cold today, but we had wait for 40 minutes @ Sai Kung Pier to get the bus no.94!!! Finally we arrived Uk Tau Village, we got off the bus here and walked across the road for our start point~ To Kwa Peng.
沿村路走一直至土瓜坪碼頭, 碼頭後有樓梯上山到已荒廢了的土瓜坪村.
We walked along the village road for To Kwa Peng pier. Go upstairs at the back of the pier and you can see To Kwa Peng Village, which is already abandoned.
We played with the cows @ To Kwa Peng.
廢村旁有小路可上山, 上去一看原來是接入北潭凹及赤徑的步道. 路旁有山徑, 但無人打理, 雜草比人還高, 走了一會便折回土瓜坪村.
There is a footpath leading uphill~ we went up to have a look.... it is the way for Pak Tam Au and Chek Keng!!! We found another muddy path in the woods and had a walk inside. But the grass is very tall and then we left and went back to To Kwa Peng.
折回土瓜坪, 我們步入左邊林徑 (可前往東心淇半島), 穿過林徑便可到達海邊.
Back to To Kwa Peng and this time we switched to the forest path, which is also the way for Long Hill. Walking via the forest path to the sea-side, a large piece of beautiful wetland is waiting for us.
A large piece of beautiful wetland, with lots of mangrove!!
泥地上的小螺還會動, 別亂踏.
Lots of little shells on the wetland, they are still living and moving around, DON'T step on them.
花老 B今天的午飯是紅樹林內的水筆仔!!!
We fed Tachibana san with this "water-pen" (flower of a kind of mangrove)!!!!
A footpath for Long Hill is at the back of the mangrove.
Walking via the forest and you can reach Tung Sam Kei Peninsula, which is @ Long Hill.
終於到了東心淇半島, 一個沒有居民的地方. 由於交通不便, 除了夏季會有潛水人士來學習潛水之外, 此地早已遭人遺忘, 連行山人士都不會來, 非常蒼涼.
Now we were @ Tung Sam Kei Peninsula, a place with NO residents long time ago. ONLY members of a scuba club will come here for diving classes in summer (by the ferry from the diving club). Due to the lack of public transportation (NO public ferry services and NO traffic road), this place is like a forgotten place, even hikers are not willing to come.
Tung Sam Kei Scuba Formula Recreational Centre @ the pier-side.
Tung Sam Kei Pier.
我們在潛水會內大休, 四野無人, 很像恐怖片內的場景!!!
We had fun @ the diving club, nobody was around except our team-mates. Just like the scenes from horror movies (serial killer?!?!) !!
Walked around the diving club.
有炭燒花老 B 作午餐, 塗點燒烤汁非常美味.
We had barbecued Tachibana san for lunch.... but where is the BBQ sauce???
海風迎面吹來, 非常涼快.
Enjoyed an afternoon here with the sea breeze.
東心淇的別墅-- 全已人去樓空, 這麼偏遠, 誰會來居住??? 在此地過了一個懶洋洋的下午, 趁太陽下山前, 沿村路回土瓜坪巴士站回市區.
Empty houses on Tung Sam Kei Peninsula~ who wants to live here????? We spent a whole afternoon @ the pier-side, had a nap, snacks, sharing funny stories.... then we packed up and left before getting dark from the same way, rushing for a bus back to the town centre.
Had quite a long walk today....