Autumn Mountain Walk @ Lamma Island
(Central Pier→Sok Kwu Wan [Lamma Island] →Yam Shan [Mount Stenhouse] →"Stonehenge" of Mt. Ling Kok Shan→Lamma Family Walk→Lo So Shing Village→Yung Shue Wan→Back to Central)
今天非常清涼乾燥, 是上山的好日子!! 來到南丫島的索罟灣, 步向海邊的天后廟, 然後從廟旁的樓梯上山. (往東澳的方向)
Dry and cool this afternoon ~~ a nice day for hiking!! After we had arrived Sok Kwu Wan (@ Lamma Island), we walked to the famous Tin Hau Temple at the seaside. From there, we just walked upstairs (near the Tin Hau Temple) to the mountains (The way for Tung O and Yung Shue Ha).
山上很大風, 但很快我們便到了陰山山頂上的觀景亭.
It was quite windy as we were walking uphill, but we reached the top of Mount Stenhouse (Yam Shan) very quickly. There is a pavilion @ the hilltop, a good place for sightseeing.
遊走陰山, 花老 B 顯得相當興奮.
Running on Mount Stenhouse happily!!! Tachibana san enjoyed his day here very much!
山上賞奇石.... 有些看起來很像一隻大烏龜!!!!
Have a look @ these rocks, some look like a big tortoise lying near the cliff!!
古樹走廊, 有點陰森.
A corridor of old trees.... quite a scary place.... :P
下山後, 經南丫家樂徑往榕樹灣走. 途中走進神風洞一探.
We left Mount Stenhouse and started our walk to Yung Shue Wan via Lamma Family Walk. We had a look inside the Kamikaze Grotto (The Japanese troops stored their weapons here during WWII)
到了蘆鬚城, 村口有一間小小的精品店.
A little gift shop, Lo So Shop, near the entrance of Lo So Shing Village.
We could see clearly the fishermen's rafts of Sok Kwu Wan from here.
榕樹灣及索罟灣的交匯處有一座避雨亭, 路上有小食檔, 在此趁機休息一下, 以及買一枝雪條來吃.
There is a rain shelter @ Lamma Walk, with a kiosk where you can get some soft-drinks and snacks. We stopped for a while and bought some ice-sticks.
青檸菠蘿冰條 + 山景 = \\(^ O ^)//
\\(^ O ^)// --> For the Lime and pineapple flavoured ice-stick & Mountain scenes
Beautiful evening scenes!! 1000%!
Sunset now.....
路旁的小型蜂場, 有蜂蜜出售
A little bee-farm on the road, with honey for sale.
Rock-climbers were climbing @ the cape.
花老 B VS 天堂鳥.
Bird of Paradise (flower) kissed Tachibana san at the beach!!!!
噢!! 我們遲了, 原來香草園下午5時便休息, 現在已5時半了......
Oh, we were late..... Herbal Garden closes @ 17:00 but now already 17:30.....
到達榕樹灣後已經天黑了, 大家到南島書蟲來個豐富的西式素食晚餐~~~ 美味的黑豆漢堡包, 雜菜千層麵及用豆類製成的素"炸雞" 塊.
It was getting dark when we arrived Yung Shue Wan. We had a super yummy dinner @ Bookworm Cafe (Vegetarian cafe)!! Look at the food we ordered:~ Delicious black bean burger combo, vegetarian lasagna and vegan tofu nuggets (with a wonderful garlic and tomato sauce)!!!
到碼頭回中環了, 海風吹來有點涼意.... 今晚是 23度!! 突然在巨型溫度計後, 有一隻大狗伸出頭來!! :D
Now the time for home, it was quite windy tonight, with a temperature of 23C. Suddenly a curious big golden retriever came out... :P