Weekend Explore Series: Exploring a Tombolo~~ Cheung Sok Island, Yam O (Sunny Bay)
(Start from Sunny Bay MTR station→Seaside promenade→Luk Keng Village, Yam O →Luk Keng pier→Walk along the seaside from the pier→Walking on a tombolo [ONLY during low tide] →Cheung Sok Island→Yam Tsai Bay→Back to the MTR station)
花老B 的背後~~ 陰澳鹿頸村(左) 及 荒島長索島(右)
The back of Tachibana san~~ Luk Keng Village of Yam O (left) and Cheung Sok Island (right), which is a deserted island, does it look like Snoopy??
今天有點悶熱, 一行人到一個接近地鐵站又有郊外感覺的地方一遊~~ 陰澳鹿頸村!! 陰澳就在欣澳地鐵站附近, 只要沿著海堤的路一直步行至路牌便是鹿頸村入口. 沿途可見昔日木廠的木條仍插在海中, 不過相比以前的全盛時期, 木條已不多了.
Quite hot this afternoon and we had a walk @ a place near MTR station but 100% countryside~~ Yam O!! It is a place near Sunny Bay MTR station, and used to be a lumber preservation zone in the past, and you can still see lumber on stilts in the water today. We were visiting Luk Keng Village this afternoon, which is just a 20-30 minutes' walk from the MTR station (along the seaside promenade).
沿海邊長堤步行至海灣盡處(陰澳篤), 後面便是鹿頸村的入口.
Just keep on walking till the end of the sea bay (this part is called Yam O Tuk), you can see the entrance of the village!!
Village houses and mangrove @ Luk Keng Village.
從鹿頸灣看欣澳站, 又是另一種風光.
Sightseeing @ Luk Keng Bay~~ quite interesting to look at the MTR station from here!!!
從鹿頸村的碼頭開始沿海綑邊步行, 向荒島長索島進發 (只宜在水退時進行!!)
Another adventure started from here~! Started from Luk Keng pier, we walked along the seaside for Cheung Sok Island (NOBODY living there!!)!!
治途可見海芒果及假菠蘿(露兜榭), 有毒, 千萬不要吃!!! 海芒果有劇毒, 吃了可能致命! 假菠蘿有沒有毒不得而知, 為安全計也不要亂吃.
We could see sea mangoes (cerbera) and screw pine (fake pineapple) along the seaside. Sea mangoes are highly toxic, NERVER touch them (LETHAL)!! Not sure if the fruit from screw pine (fake pineapple) is edible or not..... don't pick it unless you know it's safe to eat.....
今天水退, 終於可以經連島沙堤步向對岸的無人島~~ 長索島
長索島的沙堤水漲時會被海水覆蓋, 所以只能在水退時才能前往. 今天一登無人居住的長索島, 島上只有樹, 非常荒蕪.
Now we were @ a tombolo~~ Cheung Sok Island!! This place is a tombolo which is ONLY accessible during low tide, otherwise the sandy path will be covered by water, that is why nobody is living on this island. We had a walk @ Cheung Sok Island and found that ONLY trees everywhere and quite difficult to walk on it.
A bit of sight-seeing @ Cheung Sok Island.
回到鹿頸村, 走近海上的木條一看.
Back to Luk Keng Village and take a look @ the lumber on stilts.
經燒烤場到陰仔一行, 很像入了原始森林.
We walked via the BBQ site for Yam Tsai, just like exploring inside a jungle.
再見了, 陰澳, 是時候回市區了!!!
Evening time.... bye, Yam O, it is the time back to the urban area.