Short walk @ Ma Wan Island on a sunny Sunday!!!
(Kwai Fong MTR station→Bus terminus for Park Island→Ma Wan Island [Park Island]→Ma Wan Park→Ma Wan Hostel→Ma Wan Old Village [Ma Wan Main Street]→Back to the urban area)
由於昨天去了看電影, 郊遊在星期日進行!!! 今天天色晴朗又悶熱, 大家來個馬灣(珀麗灣)短遊!!! 先在馬灣公園門前跟鸚鵡螺來個合照.... Cheers!!!
This time our walk is held on Sunday~~ Quite a hot and dry one, so we just went for a short walk @ Ma Wan Island (Park Island). Now Tachibana san was @ the entrance of Ma Wan Park, with this big nautilus... Cheers!!!
嘩, 草叢中有蜥蝪妖怪!!!!
Oh!!! A giant reptilian shape-shifter was found inside the bushes!!! :P
公園內有不少設施, 不過不包括袋鼠!!!!
Lots of interesting places in the park, but kangeroos are NOT included!!
Rainbow waterfall~~ too artificial!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The top of the park~~ a lookout spot
Beautiful scenes of Ma Wan Island.
Solar Tower.
A church.
Beautiful hostels of Ma Wan Solar Tower Camp.
Two of the wardens of Ma Wan Solar Tower Camp.
Should we call them "Solar Warden"???? :P
If you don't understand, search from Yahoo for the real meaning of "solar warden", Hahaha!!
營舍後面有樓梯, 可下去馬灣大街.
Go downstairs from the back of the hostels, and back to Ma Wan Main Street.
Kap Shui Mun Bridge looks more beautiful under the sun.
Ma Wan Old village and Tin Hau Temple.
The whole village of Ma Wan Back Street is abandoned. Nobody is living there now.
Now @ Ma Wan Fishermen Village.
Rafts (for keeping and raising fish) at the back of Fishermen Village.
Chilli trees everywhere in the wild!!!! (100% gurantee they are organic, all natural soil with no chemical fertilizers)
已無人居住的漁民村, 非常蒼涼.
Nobody is living in the Fishermen Village now, only old stone houses are left.
漁民村的村屋內裡非常古老, 這些裝修擺設已難在市區找到.
Have a look inside the old village houses of Fishermen Village~~ these old-styled decorations cannot be found in the urban area now.
從漁民村走到山下的鳳城村, 這裡的村屋雖無人居住, 但保養甚佳, 看起來有香港 60年代的風味, 外型真的不錯.
We walked downhill from Fishermen Village and now we were @ Fung Shing (Phoenix City) Village~~ the village houses here look more luxury than the others (Just like the rich people's houses in the 1960s)!! Although no people are living here now, they are still kept in a good condition. (Quite sure the owners come here to do some maintenance / sweeping work very often!!!)
Another old village house at the oppposite side.
已翻新了的芳園書室(昔日是馬灣及大嶼山大青洲, 草灣及花坪居民子弟的村校!!), 現在變了紅色, 不及舊貌有特式.
Fong Yuen Study Hall (A former village school for the students from Ma Wan Island and North-east Lantau) after renovation work~~ now it is in red, but I still think the old look is better!!

翻新前的芳園書室 (2010年)~~ 我還是覺得綠色比較好看!!!
Fong Yuen Study Hall before renewal (2010) ~~ I still think it looks much better in GREEN!!!!!