Hiking on a cloudy Boxing Day via HK Olympic Trail
(Tung Chung Bus Terminus for NLB bus no. 36→HK Olympic Trail→Pak Mong Village→Ngau Kwu Long Village→Hung Fa Ngan→Ah Por Long→Mong To Au→Mui Wo→Back to Central by ferry)
聖誕假期的最後一天, 來個香港奧運徑自由行!!! 先在東涌巴士站乘坐36號巴士, 於白芒村下車, 眼前便是大蠔灣.
Finally the last day of the Christmas holidays!! Today we had a walk @ HK Olympic Trail. We took bus no.36 @ Tung Chung Bus terminus and got down @ Pak Mong Village. You can see Tai Ho Bay here!!!
Now we were @ Pak Mong Village. The "sword-testing" stones and a war-time watch-tower are @ the entrance of the village.
向梅窩前行途中, 到已荒廢了的白望學校一看.
When we were moving towards Mui Wo, we had a look @ the abandoned old village school, Pak Mong School.
Ngau Kwu Long Village is near to the forest.
We found a "secret base" of Cultural Revolution @ Tin Liu Village.
田寮村後是大蠔河, 風景非常美麗.
Beautiful Tai Ho River is just at the back of Tin Liu Village.
Luk Hap Temple, a Taoist monastery.
清熱解毒的草藥, 火炭毛, 通山都是.
Leaves with "V-sign"!!! They can be used in herbal drinks, everywhere in this place!
經村路上山, 途中有羊角坳, 是四大毒草之一, 整株都有毒, 千萬別觸摸!!
We walked uphill via the village road. Then we saw lots of "Goat horns" (Strophanthus divaricatus) along the road. The whole plant is toxic and it is also one of the TOP 4 poisonous plants in HK. NEVER touch it!!
Sightseeing ~ the scenes of Tung Chung and Siu Ho Wan @ the pavilion of Hung Ha Ngan.
到了望渡坳的山頂及小亭, 可看見山下的梅窩.
Now we were @ the top of Mong To Au (the geometrical pole and the rain shelter), where we could also see the whole Mui Wo.
Silvermine cave is here!! (NO entry, already blocked)
Visited the Silvermine Bay Waterfall.
白銀鄉, 昔日曾盛產白銀.
Pak Ngan Heung Village, used to be a place rich in silver.
Wang Tong Village.
Lemon tree in the village, lemons still not ripe.
Dragon head (From a dragon boat) @ the seaside of Silvermine Beach.