Season for Carnivals ~ Annual fund-rasing bazaar @ St John's Cathedral in Central && Vegetarian dinner @ Yung Shue Wan, Lamma Island
(Annual Michaelmas fund-raising fair @ St John's Cathedral Central→Central Piers @ Central→Yung Shue Wan @ Lamma Isalnd→Walk @ Yung Shue Wan→Back to Yung Shue Wan pier→Back to Central)
Official poster:
Time-table for Yung Shue Wan:
1) Michaelmas Fair 2012
2) 榕樹灣之行 Snapshots @ Lamma Island (Yung Shue Wan)
3) 南島書蟲素食Cafe Bookworm Cafe (Organic vegetarian cafe)
今早到過中環聖約翰堂賣物會後, 我們一行人便到南丫島榕樹灣一遊. 先在"豬肉檔" 一看.... 咦?!?! 這裡那有豬肉??? 原來是一顆顆琥珀給 "吊起來賣"!!!! 遠看有點像腊肉, 而且還有 "肥膏" (一層層的脂肪) 呢!!! 我這個不吃肉的人, 看見晶瑩的琥珀卻想起腊肉.... 真是罪過罪過!!
突然看到地上有超級雞毛掃, 原來是基因改造的生化犬型地拖, 牠正在睡覺, 險些把牠踏扁.....
After having fun @ the annual bazaar from St. John's Cathedral, we took a ferry to Lamma Island (Yung Shue Wan) for a half-day walk. We stopped outside a "butcher's" ~ why looking for meat?????? Hahahaha!! See the amber hanging outside the shop, do they look like dried pork? I should say... dried "streaky pork", with layers of "fat" on them!! (As a vegetarian, it's not good to think about meat :P)
Oh, there is a big feather duster on the ground! Ooooops!! it is a GMO dog-shaped duster!!! I nearly step on it!!
Just outside Tin Hau Temple.
著名的 "建興阿婆" 豆腐花, $10一碗, 吃完暑氣全消.
Very famous "Ah Poh" dessert stall~ you should try a bowl of chilled "sweetened bean curd pudding", just HK$10 for a bowl.
Now @ Hung Shing Yeh Beach
Going into Herbal Land.
A super lovely and smart miniature pinscher.
Dragon @ a seaside restaurant.
超有趣的大肥蟲!! 不小心碰到牠的頭, 即張大藍眼睛瞪著我們 (之前是瞇著眼!! 但那到底是否牠的眼睛?????), 咀巴也伸出來好像在抗議!!! 之後用手指輕撫牠的頭, 牠立即瞇起眼, 好像很享受似的... 太有趣了!
A fat and big caterpillar!!! It is very funnnnnnny..... its blue eyes were closed at first, but when we hit its little head with a leave (just by accident), its eyes opened and became very big!! (see the photo!!) And its mouthpart also came out and its head turned to us.... complaining??? Wooow!! When I tried to comfort it with my finger (just pat its head like what I do to my dog!!) , it closed its eyes and looked like enjoying it so much!!! Really incredible!!!
COOOL!! It looks like a beach-side resort hotel in Thailand!
素食晚餐~ 南島書蟲有美味的素食, 如素漢堡, 素意大利粉, 素pizza, 無奶蛋朱古力蛋糕.... 等等.... 極之美味, 又有特色.
Okay, let's have our vegetarian gathering in Lamma~ @ Bookworm Cafe, which offers a variety of delicious vegetarian food like veg. burgers, vegetarian pasta, vegan pizza, vegan chocolate cakes (dairy and egg-free)!!
賞月~~ 在一所海邊有機食材店的露台上.....
Moon-watch ... just @ the balcony of an organic shop, with ice-sticks made from organic fruit juice!!!