City walk under heatwave~~ Tung Wah Coffin Home & Sandy Bay @ Pok Fu Lam && HK Zoological and Botanical Gardens @ Mid-levels(銅鑼灣謝菲道乘 10號小巴→大口環道東華義莊下車→一探大口環村及東華義莊→大口環道下至沙灣海邊→小巴至堅道明愛中心下車→香港動植物公園→花園道下至中環地鐵站)
(Minibus no.10 from Jaffe Road, Causeway Bay→Get down @ Tung Wah Coffin Home, Sandy Bay Road→Visit TaTung Wah Coffin Home→To the seaside of Sandy Bay via Sandy Bay Road→Minibus no.10 to Caine Road→Get down @ Caritas House on Caine Road→HK Zoological and Botanical Gardens→To Central MTR station via Garden Road)
Visit to HK Zoological and Botanical Gardens:~
下星期五便是盂蘭節, 所以大家臨時決定參觀東華義莊. 大家在銅鑼灣謝菲道信和廣場對面乘坐 10號小巴, 然後在大口環道的東華義莊入口外下車.
Next Friday is Hungry Ghost Festival, and that's why we have decided to have a visit @ Tung Wah Coffin Home this morning!! COOOL!! We gathered @ Sino Plaza (Jaffe Road) and then we took minibus no.10 which goes to Cyberport. We got down @ the entrance of Tung Wah Coffin Home, which is @ Sandy Bay Road.
東華義莊的入口在此, 亦是大口環村的入口~ 昔日東華義莊有很多棺材, 非常陰森恐怖. 不知現在又是怎樣的呢?
Here is the entrance of Tung Wah Coffin Home, also the entrance of Tai Hau Wan Village~~ In the old days, the coffin home was mainly for dead bodies of people without families, and also for temporary storage of the dead who would be sent back to the Chinese mainland for burial. There were lots of coffins in the coffin home in the past, but is it the same now?
Now we were @ Tai Hau Wan Village.
進了東華義莊, 經過裝修後, 現在的義莊已經毫無陰森恐怖的感覺, 反而像個小庭園.
Now we were @ the coffin home!! After renewal work, the coffin home looks like a beautiful Chinese garden.
到處都不見有任何棺材, 應該已放進背後已鎖上的大堂內.
We could not see any coffins there now, they are all put inside a hall and locked.
離開東華義莊, 沿大口環道向下走, 會到達沙灣的海邊.
We left the coffin home and walked downslope from Sandy Bay Road. Then we saw the path leading to the seaside of Sandy Bay.
終於看到沙灣的海邊!!! 不過這裡有很多垃圾!!
Now we were at the seaside of Sandy Bay! The sea is attractive but full of trash on the beach!!
離開沙灣, 時間尚早, 大家乘小巴於堅道的明愛中心下車, 到久違了的香港動植物公園一遊.
We left Sandy Bay and then we went to Caritas House on Caine Road by minibus no.10. We came here for HK Zoological and Botanical Gardens!!
已有多年沒來香港動植物公園參觀了. (照片在此)
We havn't been to HK Zoological and Botanical Gardens for many years!!! (Album is here)
花老B 跟獅子玩得痛快.
Tachibana san seemed to have a great time with the stone lion!
獅子突然咬住花老B!!!! "給你一個吻, 不要咬我!!"
But the stone lion suddenly wanted to swallow Tachibana san!!
"Oh, I give you a kiss and please don't eat me!!"
離開香港動植物公園, 從上亞厘畢道經花園道步向中環地鐵站, 途中會經過美國領事館.
We left HK Zoological and Botanical Garden from Upper Albert Road. Then we walked via Garden Road for Central MTR station. You will see the Consulate General of the USA as you walk down.
到了九龍站, 在站外看見可愛小狗!!
Now we were outside Kowloon MTR station, where we saw this lovely Scottish terrier.
從九龍站步至官涌的英皇佐治五世公園, 盂蘭勝會的場地仍在準備中!!! 失望!!! 不過對面的潮州餅店已有月餅出售!!!
We walked to King George V park in Kwun Chung from Kowloon station, but we found that the venue for Hungry Ghost Festival (Yau Ma Tei District) is still under construction!! Very disappointed!!!!
But there are mooncakes on sale already, @ the Chiu Chau bakery which is at the opposite side of the park!!
佐敦的裕華國貨, 正在舉行台灣糕餅節, 而且還即場示範如何製作台式月餅, 難得一見!!
We went to Yue Hwa Department Store in Jordan, where the 1st Pastry Festival from Taiwan is taking place. We could even see how those Taiwanese mooncakes are made!! Really very interesting!! There are also many vegetarian / vegan snacks available!