行雷閃電會出事~~ 暴雨下三門仔之行
Short walk @ Sam Mun Tsai, after thunderstorm warning signal was issued(大埔火車站→小巴 20K→三門仔總站→上山試闖馬屎洲→原路回三門仔→大埔素食聚會)
(Tai Po Market Railway Station→Minibus no. 20K→Sam Mun Tsai Minibus terminus→Trying hard to reach Ma Shi Chau Special Area→Back to Sam Mun Tsai→Vegetarian gathering @ Tai Po)
今早乘20K 小巴來到三門仔, 才發現原來小巴仍會繼續進入聯益漁村, 所以要請司機在三門仔停車. 而九巴的74K 亦會來到三門仔. 此地居民甚多, 交通極之方便.
This morning we took minibus no.20K for Sam Mun Tsai, but we found out that it is not the destination. It still kept on going to the way for Luen Yick Fishermen Village. So you have to tell the minibus driver to stop @ Sam Mun Tsai. KMB Bus no.74K also stops @ Sam Mun Tsai. There are lots of residents in Sam Mun Tsai, both buses and minibuses are available.
從三門仔的漁民新村起步, 前往馬屎洲!! 突然天昏地暗, 大家急急前進....
We started from Sam Mun Tsai New Village for Ma Shi Chau!! Suddenly it turned very dark and we rushed rushed and rushed!!
來到三門仔新村, 開始毛毛細雨.... 當然繼續前進... 原來有快艇可前往馬屎洲, 但浪很大, 都是嘗試由山路前往.
When we reached Sam Mun Tsai New Village, it began to rain... but we still kept on going... Oh, there are boats for Ma Shi Chau.... but the waves were so strong as we could see @ the pier, so we just kept on walking via the mountain trail.
前往馬屎洲的山路在此!! 其實要經過一大片墳場, 不過風景優美, 空氣甚清新!!!
The mountain trail for Ma Shi Chau from here!!!! You have to walk via a big piece of graveyard, but the scenes and fresh air are GREAT!!!!!
上山後, 天氣轉得更壞, 雨勢很大, 雷聲不絕, 最要命是看到閃電在不遠處!!! 仍有3個山頭才到達馬屎洲, 而且全是無遮掩的原始山路, 如果繼續前行, 可能會有危險, 大家即決定徹退, 回三門仔村了.
When we were walking along the muddy road @ the hilltop, the weather turned worse and worse~ heavy rain, non-stop thunders and even lightnings nearby!!! We still had to walk via 3 little hilltops in order to reach Ma Shi Chau and NO shelters at all!!!! It is NOT a good idea to stay @ the hillside during a thunderstorm, so we quickly ran downhill for the fishermen village.
雷雨下, 只能在碼頭旁看海....
The thunderstorm had ruined our walk!!!! We could just stay @ the pier-side....
暴雨停了約一分鐘, 趁機跑到渡頭上拍照.
We rushed to the jetty for some photos when the rain had stopped for just one minute!!!!!!!!
親眼目睹另一場風雨在蘊釀中, 只是一分鐘, 另一回更大的暴雨又來了.....
See the dark clouds gathered and coming to us!!! In just one minute, another more severe thunderstorm was just above our heads!!!