Adventure @ Lamma Island
(Central Pier→Sok Kwu Wan→Mount Ling Kok Shan→Mount Ling Kok Shan→Lamma Family Walk→Lo So Shing Village→Luk Chau Village [Deer Island village] →Yung Shue Wan→Back to Central)
Ferry schedule from Central (Including both Yung Shue Wan and Sok Kwu Wan):
中環出發之航線資料 (Eng) (Chi)
今天來了個南丫探秘之旅, 雖然10時20分才開船, 但當我們 10時來到中環4號碼頭的時候, 往索罟灣那邊已經擠滿了人, 有很多旅行團!!!!
We had a "Lamma Adventure" today from Sok Kwu Wan. When we arrived @ 10 am @ No. 4 pier in Central (the ferry arrives at 10:20am), there were lots of people queuing up outside already.
Most people came from China, for a "one-day Lamma tour" from those travel agencies.
下船後, 經碼頭旁邊的海鮮餐廳前走, 到了索罟灣第一街, 會看見有名的索罟灣天后廟, 廟宇旁邊有樓梯通往東澳及榕樹下, 就由這裡出發!!
After we had arrived Sok Kwu Wan ferry pier, we just passed the seafood restaurants nearby,
and then we stopped @ Sok Kwu Wan First Street, where we could see the famous "Sok Kwu Wan Tin Hau Temple".
There are staircases near the temple which lead you to "Tung O" and "Yung Shue Ha", just walk upstairs from there.
到了山上的小涼亭後, 先上菱角山看一下風景.
There is a little rain shelter @ the hillside. From there, we walked to Ling Kok Shan (a hill) for a little bit of sight-seeing.
然後步向東澳那邊, 途中看見著名的 "騎樓石" (騎樓==洋台)
Then we moved to the way for Tung O, and we could see the famous "Balcony Stone" as we were walking downhill.
舊東澳村, 很多破舊的石屋.
The "old part" of Tung O village, with lots of old stone houses in the woods.
新東澳村, 及美麗的東澳灣, 有不少村民居於此地.
New Tung O village and Tung O bay, quite a number of residents living here.
Shek Pai Wan village is just next to Tung O village, with a ferry pier here.
東澳灣畔~ 有一座小小的洪聖廟, 海邊的風景不錯.
There is a little temple @ the seaside of Tung O, for Deity "Hung Shing" (Male deity of ocean, and "Tin Hau" is the female deity of ocean)
離開東澳, 返回索罟灣, 再經 "南丫島家樂徑" 步向往榕樹灣的方向.
We left Tung O and back to Sok Kwu Wan. Then we walked via "Lamma Family Walk" for Yung Shue Wan.
往榕樹灣要1小時以上, 途中行經蘆鬚城村, 然後再向"南丫青年營" 前進.
The walk for Yung Shue Wan will take you over 1 hour!! There is a place called "Lo So Shing village" along the trail,
just stick to the way for "HKFYG Lamma Youth Camp".
我們今天打算前往鹿洲村, 一處極為偏遠及人跡罕見之地. 在 "南丫島家樂徑" 的中段,
接近水泥廠附近, 有指示牌提示往鹿洲村的山路. 由此起步, 大約要步行45分鐘(牌子上寫35分鐘是不可能的.... 而途中會經過南丫青年營) 才能到達鹿洲村.
而中途需要登上一座山及不少斜坡, 有點吃力, 如果已經疲倦者就不要往鹿洲.
Our walk to Luk Chau Village (Deer Island Village) is from here!! Luk Chau Village is very far away from Lamma Family Walk, and only a few old villagers are still living there now.
When you walk along Lamma Family Walk, you will see the cement factory @ the seaside, Luk Chau is at the north of this factory.
There is a direction sign for Luk Chau and Lamma Youth Camp along the footpath, and it will take you another 45 minutes for Luk Chau village.
It is quite impossible to reach Luk Chau in 35 mins as written on the direction sign.
You need to walk uphill from a steep footpath and lots of slopes in order to reach Luk Chau Village.
If you feel tired already, please don't go for Luk Chau village....
到了叢林中的南丫青年營, 旁邊有指示牌再繼續鹿洲之行.
When we had reached Lamma Youth Camp, we could see there is a direction sign for Luk Chau Village from there, we continued for our long walk.
Luckily there are lots of beautiful scenes inside the woods.
終於到了鹿洲村, 大家已倦得不能動!!! 這邊的鹿洲村內空無一人, 有點可怕.
Here we are @ Luk Chau Village!!! We were all exhausted and just sat on the ground.
We could not see anybody @ this side of Luk Chau Village, just with lots of ruined stone houses, ....wooops.... a little bit scary.
走到鹿洲碼頭~ 終於看到有村民在釣魚!!!
Then we walked down to Luk Chau pier to have a look~~ Now we could see some villagers were fishing here!!!
之後去看著名的景點~ 鹿洲天后廟, 位於鹿洲北面, 要走上不少斜坡, 大約要10-15分鐘.
Then we walked upslope for a famous scenic spot~~ Luk Chau Tin Hau Temple!!!!
It is located @ the north part of Luk Chau, and another 10-15 mins' walk is needed!!!
The seaside of Luk Chau North.
Tin Hau Temple is right here!!!!
(上圖)鹿洲北的碼頭及(下圖)真正的鹿洲島!! 鹿洲島其實是一個小小的離島, 在鹿洲村對面, 沒有人居住.
(Top)The pier of Luk Chau North and (Below) The real Luk Chau Island!!
Luk Chau Island is a little outlying island with NObody living on it.
回到家樂徑, 向榕樹灣進發.
Back to the Lamma Family Walk, now going to Yung Shue Wan.
途中有小食檔!!! 在山中走了近7小時, 非常悶熱, 冰凍 "菠蘿青檸雪條" 正好消解暑氣.
There is a kiosk for snacks and drinks @ the hillside!!! We had walked for nearly 7 hours,
sweat, sweat and sweat!!! Just the right time to have ice-sticks!! See my Lime and pineapple ice bar!!!!!! COOOOOOL!!
回到榕樹灣, 已是近黃昏, 是回中環的時候了.
Back to Yung Shue Wan and it was becoming dark!! The time for Central now.