勇闖東梅 踏老虎 (香港奧運徑+老虎頭郊遊徑)
A "Tiger-taming" walk ~~ Hong Kong Olympic Path & Lo Fu Tau Country Trail (==Tiger's Head Country Trail)(東涌巴士總站36號巴士→香港奧運徑→白芒村→牛牯塱→大壕村→紅花顏→阿婆塱→老虎頭郊遊徑→返回望渡坳→梅窩→回市區)
(Tung Chung Bus Terminus for NLB bus no. 36→HK Olympic Trail→Pak Mong Village→Ngau Kwu Long Village→Hung Fa Ngan→Ah Por Long→Lo Fu Tau Country Trail→Back to Mong To Au→Mui Wo→Back to Central by ferry)
今早乘36號巴士, 於白芒村外下車. 36號巴士毎天只有3次從東涌巴士總站開出, 幾乎所有的乘客都是東梅古道內的村民!!
下車後在美麗的大蠔灣前留影, 再從"香港奧運徑" 出發, 向梅窩方向前進.
從巴士上看到, 由白芒開始的翔東路至富東街一段路已全加上了行人專用的地台, 以後應該可以直接從東涌步行過來, 不需再在馬路上走了吧?! (大約步行40-50分鐘)
We took NLB bus no.36 from Tung Chung Bus Terminus.
There are ONLY 3 times per day for Bus no. 36 to start from Tung Chung, and most of the passengers are the villagers living in Tung (=Tung Chung) Mui (=Mui Wo) Ancient Path (now as HK Olympic Trail).
We got down @ Tai Ho Bay, and we started from the sign "Hong Kong Olympic Trail", for the way to Mui Wo.
I could see that the maintenance work for the pavement along Cheung Tung Road (the part from HK Olympic Trail to Fu Tung Street), now is nearly completed,
in the future, we can walk from Tung Chung MTR to Pak Mong directly, and safely also, within 1 hour.
(In 2009, we needed to walk on the traffic road, with buses and trucks always passing by!!)
10分鐘光景, 已到了白芒村.
We reached Pak Mong Village in 10 mins.
15分鐘後, 便從白芒村步至牛牯塱村. 今早看到牛牯塱村內, 有很多村民在田地間與一堆村狗玩得很快樂, 村狗不停地在田間又叫又跳!
We walked for another 15 mins (from Pak Mong Village) to Ngau Kwu Long Village.
See the villagers and the dogs were playing in the fields, the dogs were barking and running happily.
上山再向梅窩方向走, 中途會路經在林內的大蠔新村 (閒人免進).
Going uphill for the way to Mui Wo, Tai Ho New Village is inside the woods (Do Not disturb, with lots of dogs inside).
走到山坡上有一小亭, 亦是 北大嶼山郊野公園(擴建部份) 的所在, 此地又名 "紅花顏".
UP and UP and then you can find a little pavilion @ the hilltop, this place is part of the North Lantau (Extension) Country Park.
It is called "Hung Fa Ngan" also.
從"紅花顏"再上山, 很快便看到另一個小木亭, 此地古名叫 "阿婆塱", 今天則是"老虎頭郊遊徑" 的入口.
此郊遊徑是2011年才正式開放給行山人士使用, 昔日此地全是一片叢林荒野, 要登山有點危險.
現在雖然路上沙石亦甚多, 但要登上老虎頭的頂部, 已較昔日容易得多了. (但要小心山坡非常多散石, 很易滑倒.)
讓我們進去探一下!!! 山路的確很多沙石, 但山上的景色值90分!! 這裡常有人玩爬山單車, 速度很快, 小心"車禍".
Keep on walking uphill from Hung Fa Ngan, and then you will find another wooden pavilion. This place is called "Ah Po Long",
now also is the entrance of a new trail "Lo Fu Tau Country Trail" (=means Tiger's Head country trail), which was opened for hikers' use in 2011.
This trail was covered by bushes in the past, and it was quite dangerous to walk to the hilltop at that time.
Now it has become much easier for hikers to try reaching the top of "Tiger's Head", but you still need to take great care of the scattered stones and sand all over the trail,
especially when you are walking on slopes.
Let's go inside to have a look!!! Woow!! See how slippery the sandy trail is!!! But the mountain scenes worth 90 points!!!
And one thing is, there are lots of mountain bikers practising here, they will sudddenly "flying" down from the slopes.
Be careful when you are walking through this trail to avoid any unexpected "traffic accidents"!!
山路上的小型戈壁沙漠, 這裡其實亦是"望渡坳" 及老虎頭的交接地.
A mini "Gobi" desert @ the trail. Here is also in between "Mong To Au" and Lo Fu Tau.
這裡往下望, 便是愉景灣的高爾夫球場, 然後再踏上"戈壁沙漠", 繼續上山.
Looking down from the hillside, we could see the Golf course of Discovery Bay (DB)! Then we moved uphill again via Gobi Desert.
看"老虎頭" 給我們準備了豐富的早餐!! ~~ 三大片裸麥包!!! "吃" 過了裸麥包後, 再續走"戈壁沙漠", 向山上進發.
See what Lo Fu Tau had prepared for hikers! ~~ 3 big pieces of rye bread!!
After the BIG "breakfast", we continued our journey for "Gobi Desert", moving uphill again.
享受山風, 一樂也!!!
Gone with the wind!!! :D
報告隊長: 山坡上有火箭狀的怪石!!! 是外星人嗎??? 上山一看, 外星人的飛行器已變了三塊石頭.
Captain, is that a rocket from Aliens??? Let's go up and have a look first..... OH! The rocket turned into 3 pieces of rocks!!
怎麼有個巨型泳池???? 原來那是愉景灣水塘.
Oh, a jumbo swimming pool down there???? No, it is just the reservoir of Discovery Bay.
愉景灣那邊的大廈, 細小得像一件一件的玩具.
See the buildings of Discovery Bay, they now look like a pile of toys.
火車軌??? 那是北大嶼山公路.
Railroad on the water???? No, it is the North Lantau Highway.
走了多段山路, 腳很痛, 不再上山頂看老虎的頭了.
Walked and walked uphill for a long time, my legs ached so much .... I had to quit from here, left the others going to the top of Tiger's Head.
終於遇上鼎鼎大名的 "仙桃石"!!! 這位 "桃姐"一直聞名於山友之間!! 連外地來的山友都說它非常特別, 來此地也會停下看一下.
相傳"仙桃石"是天界的神仙來此地遊玩時不小心留下來的!! :D
See this famous celestial peach @ Lo Fu Tau!!! Perhaps it is a celestial peach being left here by accident, when the fairies were having a party on Tiger's Head thousands of years ago!!
Hikers came here this morning also said that the peach is really amazing!!
At the back of the peach.
下山時, 忍不住在黃金草原中玩樂一番, 又看看高爾夫球場內的一大片人工湖.
We were running near the Golden grassland, and also had a look @ the big artificial pond inside the golf club.
Most of the trail is like this ~ stones scattered around.
狼來了???? 哈哈, 原來一隻雪橇犬從愉景灣走來了....
A mountain wolf here???!!! Hahaha!! Just a husky coming from Discovery Bay!!
Now @ the rain shelter of Mong To Au, together with the geometrical pole at the hilltop.
銀礦洞內採礦!!! (早已給封起來了.)
Silver-mining inside Silvermine Cave!! (Closed decades of years ago!!)
A visit @ Man Mo Temple of Pak Ngan Heung (A place famous of silver mining in the past)
下去梅窩碼頭, 會經過橫塘村及涌口村.
The way (downstairs) for Mui Wo Ferry Pier, via Wang Tong Village and Chung Hau Village.
橫塘村內的新式村屋, 村民甚多.
Lots of residents are living in Wang Tong Village.
經濟不景, 孖寶兄弟之一的他, 也放下身段來港工作, 成為全職稻草人.
Due to the global economic crisis, Super Mario Bros also came to HK for more opportunities~ now he has become a full-time Scarecrow!!
What a lovely dog!!