Guan-yin Monastery @ Upper Keung Shan, Lantau
(東涌→大嶼山巴士 11 號 [往大澳]→龍仔站下車→羗山道步回上羗山觀音寺)
(Tung Chung→NLB bus no.11 for Tai O→Get off @ Lung Chai stop→Walk to Upper Keung Shan Guan-yin Monastery [walk up the traffic road ~ Keung Shan Road] )
今天去了羗山觀音寺, 天色甚佳, 處處美景.
We went to Guan-yin Monastery in Upper Keung Shan in Lantau today. The weather was fine and beautiful scenes everywhere.
花老B 不忘玩"趴街" 遊戲, 連石獅子也忍不住大笑起來.
お寺で 立花さんはplankingという遊びをした
Tachibana san was planking everywhere!! Even the stone lion couldn't stop laughing!
寺後一隱閉處, 發現極樂橋及往 "淨土" 的大門 (禁止入內, 相信是僧人的墓地).
Discovered "Heaven's Bridge" and the doorway to the "Peaceful land of the West" (It should be the graveyard of the monks)
顏色鮮艷的古怪昆蟲!! 到底叫什麼名字?
A very colourful bug!! Which species?
樓梯邊又玩 "趴街"!! 很危險啊!
Tachibana san played "planking" again @ the staircases!! Wooow! It's very dangerous!
花在空中飛?? 靈異事件??? 哈哈!! 其實是蜘蛛在樹上吊著花四處走動. 回程了, 在山門附近乘車回東涌.
A flower dancing in the air!!!! Was it haunted????? Hahaha!! Just a spider was moving on the branches with the flower hanging down from the spider web.
We left from the main doorway and waited for a bus to go back for Tung Chung.
午飯後從東涌地鐵站D 出口向低埔的林區走 (翔東路), 打算到樹林走一會. 意外地發現, 已荒廢十多年的"佛教青年康樂營" 內, 有很多人在玩!!
去一問, 才知道過去因興建機場的工程而被迫關閉十多年的營舍, 現正進行不同的維修, 而在2011 年的秋冬時份, 將會重新開放!!
屇時會有日營, 亦有不少活動會舉行, 遲些待營舍的房間亦裝修好了之後, 可供營友留宿!! 實在太好了!!
佛教青年康樂營原來始於1979年, 當時東涌仍未發展, 此地十分荒蕪, 只有農村及樹林, 要來此也不容易吧!! (昔日沒有陸路去大嶼山的!!!)
大概大家都想不到, 多年後的今天, 從地鐵站步行來此都只是15分鐘!!
After our lunch in Tung Chung, we walked to Tei Po (@ Cheung Tung Road) to have a little bit sight-seeing at the forest area there.
But we were very surprised to find out so many people playing inside the "Buddhist Youth Camp", which was closed for nearly 15 years (or more),
due to the construction of HK International airport.
The campsite now is undergoing a large maintenance project (nobody here for so many years!!!! All the things are rusted),
and it will be re-opened to the public around autumn / winter in 2011!! There will be various activities and camping available later, and I can have a chance to stay here for a night in the future!!!
What a great news!!
Buddhist Youth Camp is founded in 1979, by HK Buddhist Association.
The campsite was far far far away from the urban area in the past, as Tung Chung was NOT under any development project at all until the construction of HK Int'l airport.
NO traffic roads available (ONLY sea transport) to Lantau Island in the old days, campers had to spend lots of time to reach this campsite.
Can't imagine the development of Tung Chung can make people coming to this campsite so quickly ~ just walk for 15 mins from Exit D of Tung Chung MTR station!