(Yi O visit via Nga Ying Shan, Man Cheung Po Waterfall and Shui Lo Cho Stream)
( 大澳巴士總站→長堤→番鬼塘→南涌→牙鷹角→二澳→水澇漕石澗下游→二澳基堤→稍探後山荒地→返回大澳→昂平)
( Tai O Bus Terminus→Embankment nearby→Fan Kwai Tong→Nam Chung→Nga Ying Kok Campsite→Yi O→Lower part of Shui Lo Cho Stream→Yi O Dike→Back of the abandoned Yi O farmland→Back to Tai O→Ngon Ping )
二澳是一個人跡罕至之地, 所以其天然環境如濕地, 石澗河流, 林區都保持得很好, 景色相當優美, 亦比大澳寧靜不知多少倍.
其實從九嶺涌一帶至牙鷹角, 都因交通不便及山徑相當長(18km!!), 所以多年來都遊人不多. 不過, 靈異故事倒有不少!!
分流那一邊, 在昔日是內地偷渡者的登陸之地, 但因疲累, 遇溺及遭水陸動物襲擊而受傷致死的亦有很多. 所以分流亦傳出了不少古怪故事.
而根頭坳一向都十分偏僻, 加上陰森可怖, 常有陰氣盛的傳聞.
曾在一些舊書中得知, 昔日根頭坳的森山中有一山澗叫"狗坑"!! 廣東人喜吃狗肉, 有不少村民亦愛吃. 但因為有風水先生認為在村中殺狗會招來惡運,
所以村民便把狗帶到根頭坳的森山中殺害, 在"狗坑"中把血肉洗淨才拿回村中食用.
由於狗很有靈性, 所以死後那邊的地方便一直陰氣積聚不散. 是真是假, 由於年代已久, 無法求證了.
Yi O is a wonderful place for both hiking and photo-taking!! As there's no direct transport available, and the trail from Shek Pik is very long (18km!), not so many people go there for fun.
As a result, the nature scenes, such as wetland, sea bay, streams, mountains.. are still kept in quite a good condition. (But I still saw rubbish on the beach!!)
The area around Fan Lau was a well-known place for illegal immigrants from the Chinese Mainland in the past (Fan Lau is just facing Macau and the Mouth of Pearl River)!
Many illegal immigrants drowned or killed by sharks near Fan Lau, so there are quite a number of horror stories from this place.
For Kan Tau Au, a saying is about a river deep inside a forest, which was used as "dog-killing" in the past.
People in the past loved eating dogs, but a Feng Shui master told the villagers NEVER kill dogs inside the villages which would bring bad luck to the whole village.
But this couldn't stop the dog-eating habits of the villagers there. They brought dogs to that "dog-killing" river, killed the dogs and washed the flesh and blood there, before taking the dog flesh home.
Is it true or not? I am not sure, but I have read this from an old book.
(There are some horror stories around Kan Tau Au, is it because of the spirits of the dogs being killed there? Who knows?!)
09:35 大澳巴士站旁的長堤出發, 向南涌方向步去.
We started at 09:35, from the embankment leading to Nam Chung, near the Tai O bus terminus.
在南涌村找到L056 的標柱, 向牙鷹角方向上山.
We had found Distance Post L056, walked upwards to Nga Ying Kok.
全程易走石屎路, 只是森林有點陰森.
All the way leading to Yi O is hiker-friendly footpath, just a one-way road, you won't get lost.
終於到了牙鷹角, 在營地稍為休息.
Now @ Nga Ying Kok campsite
Now we had reached Yi O already.
二澳灣畔一遊, 今早浪很大. 背後是雞公山.
Now we were @ Yi O seaside, the waves were so strong! (The mountain at the back is Kai Kung Shan = cock hill)
二澳的舊渡頭, 供昔日的村民出入, 現已荒廢
An old jetty near Yi O bay, which was for the villagers of Yi O village (for ferries), now already abandoned, as all the residents (from both NEW and OLD Yi O villages) have moved to Tai O.
花田一片, 上望便是萬丈布. 旁有樓梯可上行探水澇漕.
Full of flowers!! We could look up to see "Man Cheung Po" waterfall from here. There's a staircase nearby for Shui Lo Choi (noisy water) Stream.
標柱 L061 附近便是水澇漕的下游.
Now Tachibana san was near the lowest part of Shui Lo Cho stream (near Distance post L061)
水澇漕的下游旁有一條隱藏在林中的小徑, 可進入水澇漕石澗.
There's a "secret path" being covered by the woods just at the back of Shui Lo Cho Stream. Go inside and you can reach Shui Lo Cho Stream to have a look!
二澳海邊的海神古廟~ 春季來的時候, 門外有2隻獅子, 今天來看, 2隻獅子都被打破了.... 廟旁的小路可通往二澳基堤.
Here's the Temple for the GOD of Ocean, near Yi O bay. There were 2 porcelein lions outside in the past, but now they are broken!!! There's a footpath nearby leading to Yi O dike.
到達二澳基堤!! 前面是二澳濕地.
Now @ Yi O Dike, and we could also see the beautiful Yi O wetland!
花老B 在基堤上欣賞二澳濕地
Tachibana san was standing on the Yi O dike, and admiring the beauty of Yi O wetland.
步至二澳基堤的盡頭了. 這裡是通往根頭坳, 煎魚灣及分流的路徑. 此段小徑因業權問題, 原居民不允許漁護處作修葺及除草, 所以路上雜草長得比人要高, 變得陰暗難行. 來這裡的遊人可要小心慢走, 不要迷途!
Now we were at the end of the Yi O dike. The path in front of us is the ONLY footpath leading to Kan Tau Au, which is also leading to Tsin Yu Wan and Fan Lau. Due to the land ownership problem (Kan Tau Au is a private land owned by Yi O residents), the land owners of Kan Tau Au don't agree the
Agricultural and Fisheries Dept. to do any road repair works and grass-cutting in this area. So the grass along this area is already longer than most hikers and the trail falling to this area is covered by bushes and not easy to be seen. PAY attention and be careful DON'T get lost when you're walking on this area.
稍為進入陰森古道一看, 果然很嚇人(看古道給大樹掩住了)!! 男子組由這裡繼續進入森林探險, 然後前往分流, 我們在此跟他們兵分兩路, 退回二澳.
We all entered the "Horrible trail" to have a look, it's really dark and looks scary (See the trees covering the path!). The guys continued their way to Fan Lau via this dark and creepy trail, Tachibana san didn't go with them and just back to Yi O.
二澳基堤旁留影, 景色非常美麗!!
Photo-shooting @ Yi O dike!
返回南涌, 在大澳乘21號巴士往昂平, 則好中午12時!!
Back to Nam Chung. We took NLB bus no.21 for Ngon Ping at 12 pm
因淨悟林寺院的齋堂已不供應素菜, 所以便到寶蓮寺吃午飯.
We wanted to have lunch @ Tsing Ng Lam Monastery at first. But as it doesn't provide veggie dishes to visitors any more, we went to Po Lin Monastery for our vegetarian lunch.
飯後在蓮坪路散步, 順道一探寺院.
We had a walk @ Lin Ping Drive after lunch, and had visits to the monsteries there.
今天有幸一訪有名的蓮池寺!! 但蓮池大師到那裡去了??? 蓮池寺外有一西式木屋, 有點奇怪呢.
Had a visit @ Lin Chee Monastery today! But where's Master Lin Chee? :) There's a western style wooden house outside the monastery....
返回昂平市集看 Parkour 表演.
Back to Ngon Ping 360 Square for the Parkour show today.
哈哈, 很有趣的表演!!
There are also vegetarian dishes @ the restaurants of Ngon Ping 360.
Back to Tung Chung NOW!!